Basildon Funeral Directors


There are 19 funerals directors in Basildon, with more in the surrounding area who can also assist with buying a burial plot in one of Basildon’s three cemeteries, Pitsea, Great Burstead and Wickford. The Basildon & District Crematorium serves those who choose cremation over burial. Funerals directors in Basildon include a number dedicated to making funeral arrangements for religious communities including Buddhist and Hindu. Less traditional options such as environmentally friendly or humanist burials and cremations are also available.

Christianity is the most prevalent religion among Basildon residents with churches like Fryerns Baptist Church and St Andrew Holy Cross serving the various denominations. A very small Jewish community makes Bet Tikvah in Ilford the closest synagogue, while the Jumu’ah Salaah mosque in Brentwood serves those of the Islamic faith.

Funeral Guide is the UK's most popular funeral director comparison site, with clear and comprehensive pricing, and independent, verified reviews. Simply click on a Basildon funeral director’s profile to learn more about the services they provide, read independent customer reviews, and find out how to contact them to discuss funeral arrangements for your loved one.

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