Sometimes in your life, not very often, you meet a person that you immediately see is larger than life. They have charisma and they take the place whenever they enter it. They may not always possess the finess and smooth way of dealing with people but they do have strength and influencing skills that make people follow them.
When I met Bill in 2008, I felt immediately Bill was such a character. It took some time for our relationship to start working in the best possible way. Bill needed to test new people to make sure they had some value added for his customers. During these years I have always considered Bill as the best sales person in KONE. He was the best in connecting with customers. He never got any surprises. He had guts to say “no” and he won the deals often against competitors whose only hope was to lower prices below reasonable level. He lived for his work and KONE. He never stopped working, and losing a tender for him was not an option unless he decided the case was not good for KONE. Our success in London is to great part because of him but he was also a great team developer and made sure that everyone knew their tasks in the tender team, and coached us to be always the best in tender reviews. He was highly regarded by our industry and this afternoon is a good evidence of it.
Bill later became a subordinate and a friend. He had become a legend already earlier. His memory will live in KONE for ever, London sky line will be his testament to us. I will miss him immensely.