Thank you Margery.
Margery Clarke (10 Jun 1926 - 13 Feb 2022)
Donate in memory of
MargeryPallant House Gallery

Funeral Director
Hilda “Margery” Clarke, painter, founder of “The First” Gallery, writer, cook, wife, mother, and much more
went her last, but peaceful, way on Sunday February 13th 2022, aged 95.
She’ll be remembered with love and a smile by many, especially in the Arts world around Southampton and beyond.
Later in the year, we hope to mount a tribute exhibition and event at “The First”.
Family flowers only, please. Donations, if desired, to:
"WaterAid" [to whom Margery had a standing order];
"Shelter" [she had a real pang at the thought of ANYone without a home];
"Pallant House Gallery" [their Friends’ Appeal is currently fundraising towards their Collections and Exhibition Programme, an aspect of gallery-going of particular interest to Margery. Match-funded 2:1 by an anonymous PHG supporter, so whatever you give will be trebled]
You can donate via JustGiving on this page, or, if by cheque, payee is as between " ", in list above,
then send ℅ J Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd
17 St Denys Road, Portswood,
Southampton SO17 2GN
If using a cheque, pls. ask charity for a GiftAid form, if you’re a taxpayer, as this adds c.20% to the value of what you offer. The JustGiving facility makes all that a cinch.
Thank you, from Margery’s family.