Daniel Glass (11 Mar 1968 - 19 Jan 2022)

Donate in memory of
DanielHaemochromatosis UK

£450.00 + Gift Aid of £37.50
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
DanielHospice in the Weald

£150.00 + Gift Aid of £37.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Kent & Sussex Crematorium Benhall Mill Road Tunbridge Wells TN2 5JJ
3rd Mar 2022
Open map


In loving memory of our precious Daniel, who passed away peacefully at just 53.
A wonderful, loving son to Catherine and the late Peter.
A cherished, adored fiancé to Louise.
Brother to Matthew. A much loved nephew of Marcella & Sam. Cousin, Godfather, Colleague, Mentor and a dear dear friend to so many. It is testament to the incredible man he was by the huge outpouring of kindness and love we have been embraced by since he passed.

“We think about you always. We talk about you still,
You won’t ever be forgotten and you never will,
We hold you close within our hearts
and there you will remain, to walk and guide us in our lives. Until we meet again” 💗

Malcolm & Em’s Gillan wrote

I think about you often old son. Remembering it is your first anniversary this week. It is heart warming to read all the beautiful tributes to you. You were some man for one man. I will raise a glass or two and Em’s will say a prayer. We miss you Dangle. Rest easy

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Caroline Green donated £150 in memory of Daniel

In memory of a one in a million gentleman, friend and work colleague. Gone but never forgotten.

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  • To Lainey and John I understand you were at Daniel’s funeral and feel disappointed that I never spoke to you, your messages about Daniel and the funeral was so uplifting. Louise has been wonderful and supportive to me and helpful Louise is trying to find your email address so I can get in touch. I think you worked with Daniel at Gulf Bank but I have no idea.

    Posted by Catherine on 8/03/2022 Report abuse
  • Dear Mrs Glass We spoke with Louise, what a lovely girl but then we wouldn’t have expected anythjng else for Dan and gave our condolences to his children. There was no mistaking that young man. He looked like Dan. Sorry we never got to speak Mrs Glass but you were inundated we couldn’t get near you. You are right John worked with Dan at the Gulf Bank. Thank you once again for extending the invitation, it was a beautiful service and a wonderful wake. God bless x

    Posted by Lainey& on 20/03/2022 Report abuse
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Lainey & John wrote

Catherine & Louise, we have never been at a more beautiful, fitting tribute to anyone than we have been to at Dan’s. People will be talking about how special it was for years. Louise, how you got up there and spoke from the heart with such poise and grace, about just an amazing love story had the whole room in tears. Dan had truly found his soulmate in you. We are so glad. You made the last years of his life so happy. From the mother and son poem, to the music played, it was perfection. The wake, oh my goodness. We have never seen anything like it. So so beautiful, the flowers were spectacular. The food delicious. The wine amazing. You two ladies should be so proud of yourselves to be able to give him such a beautiful tribute at such a difficult time. God bless you both. ❤️

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  • Have come onto this website to write a message only to find it has already been written and in a far more eloquent way that I ever could. Cath, Louise just want to echo what Lainey &John have written above and to say your Daniel will always be in our hearts and our memories. God bless you both. With much love Caz xxx

    Posted by Caroline on 5/03/2022 Report abuse
  • Thank you so much for your lovely messages. They mean the world to Catherine and myself. Thank you for coming to celebrate Daniel’s life with us. We laughed, we cried but more than anything, we remembered the amazing gentleman our Daniel really was and how much he was truly loved by so many. With love Lou & Catherine xxx

    Posted by Louise and Catherine on 5/03/2022 Report abuse
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Sally Rose wrote

Some big highs, some big lows but always to the full. Hope it's all the peace and fun you deserve up there. Goodnight "Treacle", God bless. Andrew and Sally x

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Martin Gaterell wrote

We all have great stories from our LIFFE days and I know we all enjoy telling them about each other. Without doubt one of my favourites to tell is the famous "you will not set TOB on fire, is that understood". You and I know the truth and the story never fails to make me smile and remember what a great bunch of people we had together at FIMAT. It was great to have you as part of that team, a talented, big hearted guy with a fantastic sense of humour, and a generous and gentle soul. May god bless you on the next stage of your journey to the biggest of all trading floors.
With fondest memories.

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Bertie & Sarah lit a candle
Bertie & Sarah wrote

There are men, and then there are gentlemen. Dan Glass you were an absolute gent of the highest order. Nothing was ever too much trouble. I know you didn’t get an easy ride but you never lost your humility. Heaven has gained a good one (even if you do support Arsenal) God will forgive you that. Rest easy. Love to your mum and your Partner i am sure they are heartbroken 💔

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Tracey Connolly lit a candle
Tracey Connolly wrote

So sad to hear of your passing, never a dull moment. Your pub quizzes, the stuff of legends. This is just wrong. Heartbreaking for your mum, partner and kids Rest In Peace Hun x💔

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James Taylor donated £150 in memory of Daniel

RIP mate. We worked closely together in both Fimat UK and HK. The story of how you and Drapes interviewed me in 1992 is one I’ve told a hundred times. See you again one day.

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Smurf ZMF wrote

It’s been a while mate but that’s LIFFE for you.
I will always have the biggest smile when I think of our FIMAT days. FFS did you lot rip me a new one when I had to help cover that loveable fkr Rainbow and stood shoulder to shoulder with you.
RIP mate.
Love Smurf. x

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Lisa Smith (barber) lit a candle
Lisa Smith (barber) wrote

Dan I can’t believe your gone but I will always have good memories of us drinking vodka and laughing and not forgetting Brighton rest in
Peace dan xxx

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Catherine Glass wrote

RIP my son, my wonderful cheeky funny little boy. You had endured so much heartache but you were there for me when your Dad was dying of cancer you were his rock, you were looking so forward to your future happiness with Louise only for it to be taken from you. You and Dad look after each other let’s hope St Peter is an Arsenal supporter.

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  • So sorry for your loss Mrs Glass. Dan was a lovely guy. A gentleman. God bless 💔

    Posted by Tracey on 25/02/2022 Report abuse
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Terry Smith lit a candle
Terry Smith wrote

Dan still can’t believe you’ve gone. A true Gentleman and a good friend. RIP ❤️

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Mark and Emma Saunders wrote

Can hardly take it in. Dan Glass. A legend in his own Arsenal shirt. You’ll be missed buddy. Love to your family & partner at this sad time. Rest in peace 😔

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Christopher & Sharon Stuart lit a candle
Louise . lit a candle
Louise . wrote

Some people come into your life and they change the very fibre of your being. You did that for me. You made me a better person. You brought out the best in me. We had an absolute ball. We laughed together, cried together and went through hell together but the important part in it all is. We DID it all TOGETHER!!! Never losing the closeness or our senses of humour. You never once let go of my hand. You are my best friend, my confidante, my biggest supporter. My Beautiful, Funny, Crazily Intelligent, Inspirational Soulmate. Few people ever get to share what we got too. I feel so blessed and privileged that while so many loved you so dearly. I was the one you gave your heart too and you loved me enough for ten life times. Forever the epitome of an absolute gentleman in every sense of the word. I will love and miss you forever my spectacular Danny Boy xxxxxxxxx

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  • So sorry for your loss. He was a true gentleman. Sending you prayers for strength. 🙏🙏🙏

    Posted by Tracey on 25/02/2022 Report abuse
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Aaron Whybra wrote

Going to miss our chats mate… such a lovely guy will be greatly missed ,our funshine.

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Diane and Daryl wrote

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal - Rest in peace x

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Lainey & John lit a candle
Lainey & John wrote

Oh my goodness. What a sad day this is. Dangle, a true gentleman in every sense of the word. The gentle giant we called him. The world is a poorer place for your loss. They don’t make many like Dan. Love to your Mum, Partner Louise and the wider Glass family x💔

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  • I am Daniel’s mother Catherine it was so uplifting to read your comments about Daniel thank you, I have read so many comments and praises of him posted from the Liffe Family can you tell me which John are you I know John Wilkinson put post on but I think there is another John x

    Posted by Catherine on 11/02/2022 Report abuse
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Louise & Catherine Glass donated £150 in memory of Daniel

Loved and missed immeasurably by your two girls Mum (Catherine) & Louise, forever in our hearts. Also in loving memory of the incredible gentleman your father Peter Glass who this hospice looked after so beautifully. xxxxx

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Louise & Catherine Glass donated £150 in memory of Daniel

Loved and missed immeasurable forever by your two girls Mum (Catherine) & Lou xxxxxx

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