When I think of mum I remember the strong lady, who taught me right from wrong and brought me up so that I had the tools and abilities to be the best person I could be.
Everyone here will recognise the sentiment of mum being a strong lady, a lady who touched so many lives many more than any of us will know, as every encounter with my mum will have been a memorable one.
It's at these sad times that we remember the good aspects, but to remember the person we have to remember the whole. Mum had her down sides as anyone who had a disagreement with mum will well know. There was never any room for confusion regarding if mum was annoyed, as I mentioned on the obituary site, mum's super hero power would likely be the thermostat!!!!
But no matter what your view, mum never did anything in a vindictive nature, her actions always stemmed from a strong belief of right and wrong.
Mum's strength was very much founded in her empathy, backed up with humour so at first thought she found the perfect vocation as a nurse. I say first thought as the more I think about this I realise that it wasn't and isn't true. It wasn't the nurse that made the woman, but the woman that made the nurse.
Mum's humour never faltered, right to the last she was joking around. Only the Friday before she passed, she was out in the garden eating gooseberries, and asked me for a spoon, she wouldn't tell me why she wanted the spoon, she just gave me that mischievous smile. So.I fetched an array of spoons to cover all eventualities so I didn't need to go back. I then asked again, what do you want the spoon for? To which she responded for the cream which is still in the fridge!!!!!
It is a sad time, but mum's strength was such that there was never any doubt that she would not let go until she was ready. I strongly believe that being ready for mum did not mean that she was waiting until she had made her peace with dying. I believe mum made that peace a while ago. Being ready for mum was very much in line with the way she lived her life, she waited until she knew that we were ready, she was ready when she knew we would be ok.
I would now like to read from a short poem that I found from an anonymous author.
As I walk through the journey of life, I remember.
I remember how you helped me to grow
with love, truth, and honesty.
I remember how you helped me to choose the right path with values, morals, and self worth.
I remember how you gave me dreams
with hope and confidence.
Thank you mum for giving me the tools to live my life helping me to become the man, husband and father I am today.
Love you mum.