Douglas ‘’Dougie " Hall (19 Mar 1950 - 11 Jul 2021)

Funeral Director


In loving memory of Douglas 'Dougie' Hall who sadly passed away on 11th July 2021.

Please feel free to write messages or put your memories of dad onto this page.
The funeral will be at Southend Crematorium at 3.20pm on the 5th August.
Thanks Donna, Russell & Micky.

Charlie Hall wrote

Hope you’re sleeping well up there. Love you so much xxx

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Charlie Hall lit a candle
Your Lily lit a candle
Sue & Bob Polkinghorn wrote

So sad to only just hear this news as no one told us. Bob does not speak to angie anymore since losing his mum nearly 2 years ago. Really sorry for your loss Doug was a good man always there for people. Huge heart rip Doug. You will be missed loads x 😥💞❣️🌹

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  • Hiya Sue & Bob - sorry to hear that you don't talk and didn't know. It was 3 months ago now but it doesn't get any easier...he was much loved and has left a huge hole in our lives. I know you knew Dad forever and hopefully have some great memories. Take care Donna xxx

    Posted by Donna on 12/10/2021 Report abuse
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Sue & Bob Polkinghorn lit a candle
HCP GIRLS lit a candle

To the absolute legend Doug and family's
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to care for Doug until the end. His personality and courage has left a mark on all us girls.
The banter and laughs were non stop. Coming to Doug didnt feel like coming to work. It was just something else words cant describe.
Doug's love for all his family was abundant, you could see how proud he was of all of you.
So to our legendary Doug we will miss you,
Kelly, lucious Pamela, Charity, Sue, Nozzy and Louisa xx

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Charlie Douglas Russell Hall lit a candle
Michelle Freeborn lit a candle
Jeanette Flint lit a candle
Nicole Megraw wrote

Dearest Donna & family,
So so sorry for you all at the loss of your wonderful Dougie.
We know you will keep his memory alive with your wonderful tales of his antics.
Thinking of you all at this extremely hard time and sending all our love 💔
Nicole, Jarrod, Scarlett & Ethan xxxx

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  • Thank you so much xx he was super funny wasn't he...?

    Posted by Donna on 3/08/2021 Report abuse
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Lee Parker wrote

Fly high uncle Doug. So many fun memories. See you another time. X X X

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  • Thanks so much Lee - lots of good memories.

    Posted by Donna on 3/08/2021 Report abuse
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Lee Parker lit a candle
Lorraine Cocker wrote

Thank you for being there for me Dougie, so many memories was a pleasure to have met you fly high xx

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Lorraine Cocker lit a candle
Shannon Hayes lit a candle
Lily wrote

It’s still hard to comprehend that you’re gone grandad and I have missed you every day since you left. I will continue to miss you every day until I see you again. Thank you for the abundance of love, memories and cuddles you gave me throughout my life, I will treasure them always.

I promise the second I get to see you again I will give you the biggest cuddle imaginable. Until then; fly high, I’ll miss you always and forever. Your Lily x

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Kate Jackson wrote

Dear Donna & Family,
Sending heart felt condolences over the loss of Dougie. Wishing you all comfort in the amazing memories you have had together over the years.
All our love,

Kate, Phil & Family xxxxxx

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  • Thanks so much my fabulous friend 💔

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Naomi Needs lit a candle
Julie Bennett Boitoult wrote

Very fond memories of us all growing up together in Chestnut Grove, I spent so much time in Doug's house with my besties Wendy & Jane we went everywhere together. Audrey & Bunny were like parents to me just so kind even taking me on holidays to Cornwall with them all.
Doug's home was always full of love and laughter and I remember when Doug's kids came along they moved just up the road which made it easy for me, Wendy and Jane to visit them, and something that still makes me laugh Doug's daughter Donna used to call my mum Lady Bennett, such happy times to be part of Doug's loving family.
Fly high Doug with Audrey, Bunny and of course the lovely Ian. Thinking of you all. Xxx

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  • That made me cry again - such lovely words and memories - hope to see you on the 5th ❤️

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Deb Mason lit a candle
Sala Boo lit a candle
Sala Boo wrote

Douglas darling - we will love and miss you forever - love always “your boy Russ” & Sala Boo aka fatso, ginge, Kim (too many others I won’t be allowed to name ) xxxx❤️❤️

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  • Let me think…dumbass, Lardy, “know-it-all”..!! He loved you so much Sabs even though you ate all his liquorice allsorts 🤣🤣

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Laura Talbot lit a candle
Laura Talbot wrote

One in a million Doug. Love you lots xxz

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  • Ain’t that the truth 💋 they definitely broke the mould xx

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Samantha Dance lit a candle
Samantha Dance wrote

Where to start Uncle Doug....Such a character! Everyone is right to call you a are. I loved listening to your stories and memories of all the old times....We're so lucky as a family to have such wonderful,funny happy memories.
I'm so proud to call you my uncle and you'll leave a gap that can never filled.Fly high Uncle Doug and give Dad a big kiss from us all xxx

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  • ☀️ he was a ledge…mostly to himself 🤣 such happy memories for us all - remembering your wedding in Greece - he loved that train ❤️

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Kelly Hall lit a candle
Kelly Hall wrote

Uncle Doug oh how you did make me laugh so much at our last party in the park. You was so tipsy, drinking anything in front of you. Even my mums wine when she wasn't looking 😁 You had us all in fits of laughter.

I will always cherish that memory of you. It breaks my heart even writing this but at least your now with nan, grandad and dad. You can wind them up now and put a smile on thier faces.

Love you always and will forever miss you. RIP Uncle Doug ❤❤❤

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  • He’d love that Kelly, such happy memories of that day 💋 glad they are all together

    Posted by Donna on 24/07/2021 Report abuse
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Nicola Scentsy lit a candle