First of all sorry we cannot be with you today to support you on this sad day. But our thoughts are with you.
Jane was and will always be in the hearts of the Belgian family.
Such an enthusiastic personality with a contagious smile. Thank you for making Bill happy. We have a huge respect for the way Jane carried her sad destiny in the end. Also a lot of respect to Bill for taking so good care of Jane in those last difficult months.
Jane, we will never forget you !
Text based upon a beautiful poem by Toon Hermans!
There must be people
who light the sun
before the world is rained out.
People who launch summer kites
when it's freezing cold,
and who sprinkle confetti
between the snowflakes.
There must be people
at the exit of the cemetery
selling ice cream
and playing the mouth harmonica.
There must be people
who stand on their chairs
to hang stars in the mist.
Who make spring light
from fallen leaves,
and from fallen shadow.
There must be people
who warm us and who, in a cloudless sky, jump rope
along the rainbow
when someone has said:
come into my arms.
Who continue to dance in the rain at the garden party
even when the musicians have already gone home.
There must be people
who on the grey asphalt
write LOVE in big white letters.
People who carve names
in a tree full of ripe fruits
because there are so many others who flee from the butterflies because they are afraid of the flowers and are afraid of: I love you.
there must be people
with tears
like silver beads
that shine in the dark
and greet the morning
when daylight comes in.
You know,
there must be people
who blow bubbles
and know of no time
who are childishly amazed
at something that is bursting
of beauty.
They shout from the rooftops
that there is love and miracle
when all the others are screaming:
everything is useless
then they keep shouting:
No, the world will not end
And they see in every end
a new beginning.
They are a little clown,
first the heart
and then the mind
and they write with their umbrella “I love you” in the sand
because they are so gigantically
absorbed in life.
That's the kind of people Jane belonged to,
people who DANCE in the rain at the garden party,
even when the musicians have already gone home
the music goes on and on and on,…
That is how we will remember Jane
Your Belgian family