I remember the first time I met you.
With giggles of parties that I couldn't remember
To sitting watching crime channels and Christmas movies in September.
KFC Sundays was always way too much fun
With Corn on the cobs for when football was done.
Bags and shoes and clothes galore you'd always struggle for room on the floor.
To make sure you had a clear path to your bed,
Was always that worry I had in my head.
Turn off that search light you'd always say
When night time was approaching at the end of the day.
I'd have a go when you weren't wearing your buzzer,
Because I loved you so much I hated to see you suffer.
You were always so caring
So thoughtful
So kind
Our memories will always be there in my mind.
Youll always be Mum or Granny to Me and Eve
Keep looking down on us when we need you please.
You always made me feel like I was accepted
For that I know we were truly connected.
Love always. X
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