Giuseppina Angela 'Josie' Scavetta (16 May 1940 - 5 Feb 2021)

Donate in memory of
GiuseppinaAlzheimer's Society

£266.49 + Gift Aid of £25.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Church of the Sacred Heart 99 Carlton Hill Nottingham NG4 1FP
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In loving memory of Giuseppina Angela 'Josie' Scavetta who sadly passed away on 5th February 2021.

Giuseppina Scavetta nee Lobosco was born on the 16th of May 1940 in the small Southern Italian town of Accettura in the province of Matera, Basilicata.

After working as a nanny in Matera in her late teens, Giuseppina (Josie) would feel the call of farther fields when she crossed the Channel and emigrated to Nottingham, England in 1961. In 1965 Josie would marry her first-love Leonardo (Lenny), a young man she had known in Accettura from her school days. Their romance was the perfect mix of old world and new, as they both embraced brave, new, opportunities whilst still respecting the humble home-town and parents now overseas. Soon England would no longer feel like their second home but their first, as they readily embraced the English way of life. A strong work ethic was huge to the young couple, and within two years of getting married they had already paid off the mortgage for their first house. By 1969 two would become four as Josie and Lenny had two young boys, Antonio and Giovanni.

Famed for it's Nottingham Lace, Josie would soon find herself an accomplished weaver on the loom. As that industry would inevitably wind down Josie moved to the world of textiles where she spent the rest of her working life as a sewing machinist. Working many hours through piece-work to support her two children, Josie would often be chosen by leading textile manufacturers to make the samples needed to woo visiting clients with potentially huge orders and deep pockets.

This was a passion which continued in the home where Josie would often lovingly make and alter clothes for her family, including one random request to knit a Mohair 'Dennis the Menace' stripey jumper for a TV slot. It was completed in a week.

Even towards the latter years of Josie's life, the joy of making others happy made her happy. Her philosophy was simple.. 'Live. Love. Laugh..' and a common theme from anyone who ever met her was that she would always welcome them with open arms, be they family, friends, or strangers.

Josie was easy to love, impossible to forget. A great wife, mother, and grandmother and dear friend to many who will dearly miss her. A truly humble, kind, and generous soul who will forever remain in our hearts.

RIP mum, till we meet again.
Love you always Xx

GIOVANNI SCAVETTA donated £50 in memory of Giuseppina

You will be forever in our hearts and thoughts every day, mum ❤ Xx

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You're forever in our hearts and thoughts every day, mum ❤ Xx

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Offline donation: Mr Andrew G Beatty donated in memory of Giuseppina
Stephanie Halser donated £17.15 in memory of Giuseppina
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Vincenzo e Felicia Labbate lit a candle
Felicia and Vincenzo Labbate donated £10 in memory of Giuseppina

Sincere condolences.

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  • ❤🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 8/03/2021 Report abuse
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Louisa Manzione donated in memory of Giuseppina

Condolences to all the family x

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  • Bless you, Louisa ❤🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 8/03/2021 Report abuse
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Offline donation: Derick Ferguson donated in memory of Giuseppina
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Giuseppina
Offline donation: Maria Mansione donated in memory of Giuseppina
Offline donation: Edwina donated in memory of Giuseppina
Offline donation: Anna Cerabone donated in memory of Giuseppina
Louise Rothman donated £14.35 in memory of Giuseppina

In memory of a beautiful lady ❤️❤️❤️

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  • Thank you Louise, so kind of you.. and yes she was x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
  • 🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
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Louise Rothman wrote

In memory of a beautiful lady

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Louise Rothman wrote

In memory of a beautiful lady

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Louise Rothman lit a candle
Louise Rothman wrote

Condolences to you and your family, Gio. Josie was a wonderful lady, so kind, generous, friendly and caring. She will be greatly missed by all xxx

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  • Bless you Louise ❤ x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
  • Bless you, Louise 🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
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Antonietta, Antonio, Carolina, Rocco Scavetta donated £50 in memory of Giuseppina

Our sincere condolences dear uncle, cousins and family. Our heartfelt thoughts are with you as we mourn.

We pray you will be comforted by the One who came on this earth to bind up the brokenhearted - Jesus Christ. (Luke 4:18)

We'd also like to take this opportunity to celebrate the life of our beautiful auntie and give thanks for the privilege of having had her as part of our family.

We have many happy memories of gatherings with you all as a family, and her special God-given gifts of loving everyone around her so selflessly, her kindness and generosity have been a blessing to us and our families in many, many ways.

With love from Antonietta, Antonio, Carolina, Rocco and our families xxxx

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  • ❤🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
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Maria Offer donated £10 in memory of Giuseppina

RIP Giuseppina. ❤

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Anna & Nino Ciaurro lit a candle
Anthony & Tracy Ward wrote

Josie was a truly wonderful friend & neighbour, always there with a smile & a kind word, one of lifes beautiful souls, Josie you will be sadly missed, heartfelt condolences to Lenny, Tony, John & family xxx

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  • Such a beautiful condolence, thank you. I will be sure to let my father read these comments. You described mum perfectly ❤🙏 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 23/02/2021 Report abuse
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Anthony & Tracy Ward lit a candle
Edwina wrote

Rest in Peace
My dear friend Josie will miss our special times together.
Shopping, gardening, and of course sipping wine in the garden🍷❤️

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  • Beautiful words Edwina, we will raise a glass to mum in the garden for many years to come. I miss her so much x

    Posted by Giovanni on 23/02/2021 Report abuse
  • I spent 5 years supporting her and dad. They played a big part in my life over those years and daily visits. Many happy memories that will always be with. X

    Posted by Edwina on 23/02/2021 Report abuse
  • ❤ x

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
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Edwina lit a candle
Donata Onorati donated £10 in memory of Giuseppina

Condoglianze a Leonardo e tutta la famiglia. RIP Giuseppina. ❤

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Giovanni Scavetta lit a candle
Laura Jones lit a candle
Giovanni Scavetta posted a picture


  • Condolences to all the family. Thinking of you all at this sad time. A lovely person have lots of good memories of her may she rest in peace.

    Posted by Remo on 22/02/2021 Report abuse
  • Bless you, Remo ❤

    Posted by Giovanni on 7/03/2021 Report abuse
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Maria Offer lit a candle
Maria Offer wrote

Condolences to all the family. Thinking of you all at this sad time.

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  • Thank you ❤

    Posted by Giovanni on 21/02/2021 Report abuse
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