Doreen Audrey Travers (2 Sep 1929 - 4 Feb 2021)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill (West Chapel) Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
26th Feb 2021
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Wilford Hill Cemetery Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
26th Feb 2021


In loving memory of Doreen Audrey Travers who sadly passed away on 4th February 2021. She was a devoted godmother to my brother Mark and I all our lives, best friend to my mum, Mary Travers, and loving second wife to Gordon Lowth till his death, then to my dad, Roy Travers if only for four short years. She suffered from dementia in her final years but never lost her loving nature and actually showed new strengths.

She was dedicated to her family, especially her sister Joyce, and her friends and her church. She had a beautiful singing voice and she and mum often sang duets in church in their younger days. They were both 'seamstresses', and she could knit beautiful items almost at will. She was also artistic, painting lovely pictures of birds in particular. When she lived at Southfields Court, her weekly home baking for the coffee mornings was legendary.

She will be sadly missed but she is with her Lord in heaven now for which we are thankful.

*During these COVID days, and because of dad's frail health, we are limiting funeral attendance to immediate family, but it will be possible to join us via a webcast, details of which will be sent out nearer the date, so please join us and pass the message on to those we will have no contacts for.*

God bless, Aunty.

Heather Lowth donated in memory of Doreen

From the Lowth family in memory of a special lady.

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Offline donation: John and Marion Davies donated in memory of Doreen
Offline donation: M E Beard donated in memory of Doreen
Offline donation: Mr A M Shaw donated in memory of Doreen
Nick Silk donated in memory of Doreen
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Gareth Sneath donated £28.31 in memory of Doreen

In loving memory of Auntie Doreen

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Gareth Sneath wrote

Auntie Doreen, a wonderful, kind lady to us all, always with a smile and forever remembered by her loving family. Rest in peace.
Gareth, Anna, Marie, Matthew and Rebecca

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Heather Lowth wrote

When Doreen married Gordon, she joined our family and instantly became a Grandma to Ruth and soon after to Rebecca. Both went on to have families of their own, with Doreen as Great-Grandma to all 7 great-grandchildren. A lasting memory for all of us was of her teaching the older ones to knit one Christmas.

As Gordon’s health failed she arranged for them to move into more suitable accommodation. At the complex she and Gordon took part in various activities including coffee mornings, with Doreen becoming well known for her baking. Doreen had learnt to drive and she would take neighbours to appointments, swimming sessions and knit and natter groups where they knitted blankets and teddies for charity.

More recently, she married Roy who cared for her during her final years. We will all remember Doreen with much love for her kindness and generosity.

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Cath Shipsides donated £30 in memory of Doreen

Auntie Doreen although wasn't a "real" Auntie, is how we all knew her. A lovely fun loving lady with a lovely smile,that made you smile along with her. She could make a fancy dress outfit in hours, out of nothing. I remember clearly on holiday as children, she made 3 of us snap, crackle and pop outfits which we all loved. Rest in peace Aunty Doreen. Lots of love. Cathryn, Tony, Emma and Nathan.

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Alison Woodcock donated £30 in memory of Doreen

In loving memory of a special aunty.

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Alison Woodcock wrote

A special aunty. She will be sadly missed. Ally & Malc Woodcock

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Gill and Dan Clark donated £30 in memory of Doreen

In memory of Aunty Doreen - a lovely lady.

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Simon and Ruth Millward-Hopkins donated £100 in memory of Doreen

For a lovely lady who will be missed by her family and friends. Thank you.

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Simon and Ruth Millward-Hopkins wrote

With much love for a lady that will be missed in so many ways.

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Julie Moore lit a candle
Margaret Silk donated £30 in memory of Doreen

In loving memory of Doreen.

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Margaret Silk is attending the funeral
Margaret Silk wrote

Doreen - A lovely, gentle, calm lady who was loved and respected by all in our family. Though not related, she was always "Auntie" to all the children and ever present for their needs with her support. She was a truly generous person in deeds and spirit, and a gifted person too. Doreen regularly made dresses (and dressing-up clothes) for my daughters when young and could be relied upon in all circumstances with practical, as well as thoughtful and loving help.
She was a devoted friend to my sister, Mary, for many, many years.
Rest in peace, Doreen. With much love,

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Pauline Spowage wrote

Sincere condolences to all Doreen's family at this sad time. I have many happy memories of Aunty Doreen including Sunday School Anniversaries; she coached and encouraged my many singing duets, and little recitations. She knitted us cardigans and sewed my wedding headdress onto my veil. She took many photos and slides of the kiddies parties. Aunty also took me and Ruth to work with her in the factory in the Lace Market and put us to task with covering buttons and bagging children's dresses. Lots and lots of lovely memories come flooding back. She was a gentle soul with a heart of gold. Sleep well. God Bless

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Mike Pointon posted a picture
Roy and Doreen on their Wedding Day

Roy and Doreen on their Wedding Day

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  • A beautiful photo God loving people aunt Doreen now with the lord god bless xxxx

    Posted by Julie on 15/02/2021 Report abuse
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Mark Travers posted a picture
A beautiful picture of a lovely, gentle, kind & caring lady who will be very sadly missed by all who knew her, especially me.

A beautiful picture of a lovely, gentle, kind & caring lady who will be very sadly missed by all who knew her, especially me.

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  • Lovely!

    Posted by Ruth on 11/02/2021 Report abuse
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