Valerie Stevenson (3 May 1952 - 23 Dec 2020)

Donate in memory of
ValerieMacmillan Cancer Support, Nurses

£42.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
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Donate in memory of
ValerieNottingham University Hospitals Charity, Hayward House

£120.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
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Funeral Director


In loving memory of Valerie Stevenson who sadly passed away on 23rd December 2020. Valerie, or Val as she preferred to be called very sadly left us the day before Christmas, leaving us all absolutely heartbroken. Having become ill at the beginning of 2020 Val faced her illness with such bravery and fortitude and we all had such high hopes that the treatment and care would succeed , but regrettably it wasn't to be.
Val loved life and liked to be involved both with her adoring family and countless friends and was always prepared to lend a listening ear , to give her time freely and offer a shoulder to cry on when times got tough. Interests aside from caring for family and friends Val had a passion for dressmaking and dancing....I called her my Dancing Queen...she just loved to dance and met with friends at several line dancing groups 2-3 times a week to dance and thoroughly enjoy the company and companionship of others....a very people person. Val loved the 1950's style of clothing and made all her own dresses in this style and she conjured up some truly amazing creations for which she drew much praise from admirers...a real talent. Married in 1973 I was so proud to call her my wife for near on 50 years and the thought of life without her leaves me totally bewildered right now. Val and myself have 3 daughters Lianne, Natalie & Hayley of whom we are so proud, they've grown and developed into such caring and loving individuals which will be so vital to get us all through this dreadful time, but we'll stay strong and try to carry on, just as Val would have wanted us to. Recently, in August 2018 our first long awaited grandchild arrived, a little boy... Harrison...and from that moment our lives changed...he's like a ray of sunshine, no one can be down when he's around. We had the pleasure of caring for Harrison for a short time when Lianne returned to work and Val's smile beamed from ear to ear...a prouder Nanna you'll never see. Always showing pictures to friends and telling tales of his antics and development. Sadly with the onset of illness this was cut short after just a short time but I'm sure that the bond created between them will last forever, and hopefully Harrison may keep loving memories of his adoring Nanna.
Val and myself had so many good times and I have such treasured memories of a truly wonderful wife and mother, enough to last me a lifetime. We know that things will never be the same, how could they be, with such a vital part of our family missing. We've all had such amazing support and words of compassion from family, friends and neighbours and we are truly grateful. Thank you all

Lets all remember Val with a smile just as she would have wanted

michael stevenson wrote

Sweetheart, today its your birthday, the first we've been apart. Oh how I miss you, how my heart breaks. It doesn't take a special day to think of you. From when I open my eyes in the morning till I go to sleep again you're on my mind and in my heart. I've loved you from the night we met and will till the end of my days. Oh, what I'd give just to hold you one more time, truly loved every second of every day. Nite nite Darling, we'll be together again one day XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Hayley Stevenson wrote

My beautiful mum, not a day goes by when I don't have you on my mind, I wish things could have been different and you could still be here. I will always remember what an incredible person you were, so kind hearted and loving to all. You made me the woman I am today and I'm so proud to be your daughter. We all miss you so much, my life will never be the same again without you by my side.
Love you always and forever, Hayley xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Offline donation: Mrs J L Ratcliffe donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Mrs J Spencer donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Marlene Thompson donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Phil & Alison donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Jane & Phil Parker donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Kathy Hatfield-Marriott donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Alan Hatfield donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Joanne Brown donated in memory of Valerie
Michael stevenson wrote

Val.....My Val, there simply aren't the words to describe just how perfect sharing my life with you really was. A Wife, mother,friend, soulmate, you were everything I could have wished for and so much more. We did everything with each other and for each other. My life is so empty now without you and can never be the same again. Sleep well now sweetheart, until we can be together again
I'll see you in my dreams.
Nite, nite x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


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Mick stevenson lit a candle
Nicola Green lit a candle
Jordan Fewell lit a candle
Hannah Martin lit a candle
Katherine Phipps lit a candle
Natalie Stevenson wrote

I still can't believe you're not here anymore, and look for signs of you all the time. I miss you terribly, I've missed you even before you were gone. To have that last year, and those last months without being able to be close to you, at your greatest time of need breaks my heart.
We all put on such brave faces when you got your diagnosis, and we discussed your options. Never for a second did I think that only 9 months later you'd be taken from us. You fought so hard and endured so much.

I try to take comfort in our memories. But can't help but think of all the things we won't get to do together, as a family, and all the memories we still had to make.

I love you so much mum. And am grateful for every minute we had together. For giving us the most amazing childhood, putting up with all our antics, and always being there, without question.

What we'll do without you I just dont know.

A daily thought. A silent tear. A constant wish that you were here.



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Natalie Stevenson lit a candle
Offline donation: Mavis Moore donated in memory of Valerie
Kathy HATFIELD lit a candle
Kathy HATFIELD posted a picture
Val was so proud to be a Nanna xxxx

Val was so proud to be a Nanna xxxx

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Kathy HATFIELD wrote

Val and I was friends from the age of 8 off and on but always close. I knew if I needed her she would be there and likewise I would do anything for her. She bore her illness with such dignity always more concerned for others. She will always be my best school friend, always in my heart xxx Val has a beautiful family , big hugs Mick and the girls xxx

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Sue Burley lit a candle
Ann Whittlestone lit a candle
Hayley Askew lit a candle
Aaron Needham lit a candle
Dave Newham lit a candle
Hayley Stevenson lit a candle
Offline donation: Beryl Poxon donated in memory of Valerie
Offline donation: Averil and Barrie donated in memory of Valerie