Helen Perbet (3 May 1945 - 23 Dec 2020)

Donate in memory of
HelenThe Children's Society

£428.63 + Gift Aid of £65.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Mary's Church Wollaton Hall Drive Lenton NG8 1AF
20th Jan 2021
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In loving memory of Helen Perbet who sadly passed away on 23rd December 2020

David gibson donated in memory of Helen

In memory of a wonderful, generous lady.

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Nadine Drew donated in memory of Helen

I met Helen when she helped out at the local toddler group in Morchard Bishop. My youngest was born a few days after her first granddaughter Bea was born. Helen was so thrilled to be a Granny and although we were very sad when she left Morchard we were pleased she would be nearer her grandchildren.
Helen had a wicked sense of humour and was always finding something to laugh about. I feel very lucky to have been able to call her my friend.
With much love from Nadine, Adam Isla and Ariella Drew

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Will Stephens donated in memory of Helen

Remembering Helen and all she did for us as children living in Windlesham.

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Sandra Denham donated in memory of Helen

Remembering Helen, her love of life, generosity, enthusiasm, and vitality.

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Valerie Henry wrote

To the Perbet Family

Condolences to the Perbet Family from the Croydon Church. You are in our thoughts and prayers, especially at this time.
We take courage in Paul's letter in 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 ...verse 6.."we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord".
On this premise, we are certain that our dear departed Sister Helen is now resting present with the Lord.
As a Body of Christ, we reflect on the friendship, (food), fellowship and ongoing relationship with the saints in Windlesham which started way back in the 1990s at St Heliers hospital.
Over the years, we have enjoyed journeys from Croydon to Windlesham and likewise from Windlesham to Croydon lifting up the name of Jesus in concerts, fund-raising and other social events all came about as a direct result of our beloved Sister Helen
Heken, you will truly be missed, but we are certain you are in the arms of the Father.
To Seb, Dom and fsmily and friends and loved ones, we encourage you to stay strong in the Lord abd abide in the power of His might.
Love and blessings for peace and comfort from all at NLFOM in Croydon xx

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Lesley Morris donated in memory of Helen

In memory of a very dear friend.

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Jo Mifsud donated £20 in memory of Helen

In loving memory of Helen. I will never forget her positive energy for life she was a great example to us all. She will be missed. Sending love and prayers to Dominic , Seb and family.

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Jo Mifsud wrote

In loving memory of Helen. I will never forget her positive energy for life, it was a great example to us all. She will be missed.

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Clive & Teresa Tyldesley donated in memory of Helen

In loving memory of Helen Perbet

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Kathryn Deane wrote

We moved to Nottingham just a few months after Helen did and met her at St Mary's church. She was so warm and welcoming and helpful as we settled into a completely new place. She introduced me to the U3A and we had lovely times playing table tennis with coffee and quizzes afterwards. Lots of fun. Then her other love of gardening enabled her to help Nic and I plan our garden as we had no experience at all. We shared meals together both at her place and ours and had great times of fun fellowship and interesting discussions.
Helen will be greatly missed from all the many groups she was involved in and we feel deeply we have said goodbye to a lovely kind caring friend.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both Dominic and Seb and your family.
Kathryn and Nic Deane.

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Sue Stephens wrote

From the day that Helen and Daniel moved into their house in Kings Lane, Windlesham, directly opposite our house, we had a close and enduring friendship. We supported each other when our children were small and had the pleasure of watching them grow up and develop their strengths and talents. Helen found her strong Christian faith in Windlesham church and this sustained her throughout her life, helping her to deal with the challenges which came her way - challenges with health and, later, losing her beloved husband Daniel. It was during her time in St Helier hospital that she met with fellow Christians from the Faith Temple Apostolic Church in Croydon. These wonderful people, particularly the Mullings family, continued to be faithful friends throughout and Helen introduced their church to the church in Windlesham, creating a bond which has continued with some in Windlesham. Helen was an amazingly creative person, with so much energy and initiative - she started many interest groups - she was a good artist and an excellent wordsmith. Her contribution as a reporter on the Windlesham magazine will be remembered by many. She was a great friend and Nigel and I will miss her very much. We send our love and deepest sympathy to Dominic, to Sebastien and his family, and to the wider family in the UK and France.

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  • Amen and Amen. RIEP Helen xx

    Posted by NLFOM on 20/01/2021 Report abuse
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Sue Stephens donated £40 in memory of Helen
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Erika Lax donated in memory of Helen

In loving memory of Helen Perbet, a much loved gardening friend who is deeply missed.

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  • I too miss Helen as a Friday morning friend. We had happy times in the potting shed. janet kemp

    Posted by Janet on 20/01/2021 Report abuse
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Anne Minns donated £5 in memory of Helen

Condolences to Helen’s family. Helen was a friendly, warm person. I will miss playing table tennis with her.

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Jane James donated in memory of Helen

With special memories and fondest love x

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Jane James wrote

My dearest friend Helen was the most generous, loving and selfless person one could wish to meet. She touched everyone with her friendliness and enthusiasm and encouraged everyone young or old with love and kindness.
Helen and I met over 50 years ago when we worked together. She has been a wonderful supportive friend and confidante over the years with family visits and celebrations and more recently with daily telephone conversations. Helen was an ardent Christian and loved life and shared her faith through her love of social interaction with many a dinner party at her home. She loved gardening, both hers and friends, and she loved the countryside and being steeped in wildlife and hedgerows filled her with such joy when she lived in Devon. She especially loved and interacted so well with children and was so proud of her two beautiful granddaughters, moving back from Devon to Nottingham so she could be close to them.
Helen will be more than sadly missed by me and all her friends and those whose lives she touched. No words can describe the loss we feel at the passing of this wonderful, dearly loved friend.
Rest in peace my dear friend with fondest love always x

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Condolences to the family, Helen was kind , Beautiful in & out , humble & she loved to serve others. She has gone home to be with her maker as we celebrate her life. Her legacy will wrote

Condolences to the family for your loss,
Helen was a lovely , humble, Beautiful Lady that I got to know over the year.
She loved the Lord , we would pray together & encourage o e another.
She has gone home to be with her maker , she will be missed but not forgotten. R I E P . My dear friend.
God bless from sis Mullings & family 🙏🏾🙏🏾🌹🌹🌹

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Jackie Ryan wrote

Dearest Helen. I will miss the lovely times we had together going back to the days we first met in 1970 when we had our maisonette in Shepperton us upstairs and you downstairs. Howard and I used to meet you and Daniel on the stairs and put the world to rights. What great discussions we had. Later we would all go to Cornwall together beginning your love of the county and of Devon.
Like all good friends every time we got together we would pick up just where we left off.
You overcame such hardships in recent years. R I P my dear friend. Love Jackie

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PERBET Roland donated £72.48 in memory of Helen

A la mémoire d'Helen de la part de Martine , Roland, Sophie et Sylvain

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michele perbet donated £36.15 in memory of Helen

de la part de Michèle Thierry et Nathalie

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michele perbet wrote

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris la disparition d’Helen. Nous partageons avec vous ces moments difficiles .Elle a traversé de grandes épreuves face à la maladie toujours sans se plaindre et avec beaucoup de courage. Elle aimait venir régulièrement en France et partager avec nous les plaisirs simples familiaux : beaucoup de souvenirs, de fous rires et de partages. Elle nous manque déjà beaucoup.
Michèle, Nathalie, Thierry, Natacha Thomas.

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michele perbet posted a picture
Helen et le groupe des femmes de la famille Perbet 2001

Helen et le groupe des femmes de la famille Perbet 2001

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michele perbet posted a picture
Visite d 'Helen en France avec Suzanne la mère de Daniel

Visite d 'Helen en France avec Suzanne la mère de Daniel

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Clare Templey wrote

We live opposite where Helen lived in Nottingham, and she was a most wonderful neighbour and friend. We enjoyed her dinner parties and New Years, and she came to our wedding. I’ll never forget her peering out of her window as I got into the wedding car. I miss our doorstep chats enormously and look over at your house with disbelief that you’re gone. Still, you always told me and my husband not to be sad if you were to pass. You had your faith and your reunion with your departed husband to comfort you.

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PERBET Martine Roland posted a picture
Famille Perbet Roland,Martine, Sylvain,Sophie,Loic,Mael with Helen in France

Famille Perbet Roland,Martine, Sylvain,Sophie,Loic,Mael with Helen in France

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PERBET Martine Roland wrote

Helen !
Tellement de souvenirs avec elle depuis que Daniel avait intégré Helen à notre famille française. Au fil des années nous avons apprécié leurs visites régulières au cours desquelles les liens familiaux se consolidaient avec l’arrivée de nos enfants, puis de nos petits-enfants. Helen était très attentive et intéressée par sa famille française. La relation a toujours été très forte au travers des visites, des courriers et des appels téléphoniques. Les échanges avec Helen étaient intéressants car elle était passionnée par de nombreux sujets. Helen nous manquera, elle restera toujours dans nos souvenirs.
Martine et Roland

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Jo Stonehouse wrote

We knew Helen when she lived in Windlesham and have always exchanged Christmas cards since they moved away. She was a wonderful person full of love and enthusiasm for life. She and Daniel kindly sent us a moving in card when we settled in Kings Lane and was so welcoming. I understand Helen started the Art Group in Windlesham and also wrote about the history of Windlesham. We were very sad to hear of Helen’s passing and send our best wishes to her family.

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Heddy Ratib donated in memory of Helen

To a special friend who is always in my mind

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Heddy Ratib wrote

To a special friend who is always in my mind

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Jo Savage wrote

Helen was a very dear friend who lived, when in Morchard Bishop, just across the road from me. She was a talented, creative, caring and loving person who was always ready to help when needed. I was able to reciprocate by helping her with IT problems on occasion. After moving to Nottingham we kept in touch via telephone and email and I know she was delighted to be able to spend time with her sons, daughter-in-law and granddaughters. I was so shocked and sad to learn of her unexpected passing. She will be sorely missed.

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