Daniel Caplan (22 May 2003 - 30 Nov 2020)


In loving memory of Daniel Caplan who tragically passed away on 30th November 2020 at 17 after a 7 month battle with cancer. Daniel was the bravest boy who dealt with such a terrible cancer, a DIPG brainstem tumour, the monster of all monsters in the world of cancer. He coped with his illness with courage and humour. He rarely thought of himself only those around him. We miss him more than words can say. He was the heart of our family. We are lost without him.
Dan Dan, we love you to the moon and back. We are so proud of everything you achieved in your short life. Memories are not enough. We are devastated you aren’t here with us anymore. Our hearts are broken forever. We will never stop loving you. We think of you with every breath we take. Sleep in peace our precious, darling boy.
Mum, Dad, Saul & Alfie

Linda & Alex Warren wrote

Daniel, Happy 21st Birthday. We know you loved life, birthdays and just loved living, laughing having fun, you are so loved, so missed . We did not know you in this life but got to know you through the Charity you’re mum dad have set up in you name, Daniel it’s going from strength to strength, helping countless young people and families and raising awareness of the horrendous Brain Tumour you had. Daniel, you should be here celebrating your big birthday, Celtic winning the League, celebrating your end of year exams at Uni, we know you’d have smashed them and then enjoying summer bringing joy to everyone. We know you had an amazing capacity for being happy and making others happy, Daniel that is a gift you had all of that in abundance, you cannot buy it nor teach it, it’s inborn in your character.
Happy 21st Birthday to you Daniel. We will raise a glass to you Daniel to you tonight Daniel just wish with all our hearts you were at your family home laughing, then heading out to celebrate. Daniel we love you .

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Linda and Alex Warren lit a candle
Mum wrote

I think of you every day and love you so much my darling Daniel 💛

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Mum lit a candle
Linda & Alex Warren lit a candle
Gerard Stamford lit a candle
Jacqueline Hunter lit a candle
Sophie Ure lit a candle
Alison Caplan lit a candle
Alison Caplan wrote

I miss you so much my precious boy. Wish I was with you 💔

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A lit a candle
Lorraine lit a candle
Adam Barmack lit a candle
Dad Dad lit a candle
Abbie lit a candle
Dad wrote

Love you so much Dan Dan.
It’s hard to breathe without you by our side.
The house is so quiet without you here.
It’s so incredibly difficult to function.
I’m heartbroken for eternity.
Be with you together one day
Love you so much my beauty.

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Dad lit a candle
Mum wrote

I think about you every moment of every day. I miss you so much my beautiful boy. Life is so dark without your smile and laughter. Every day is a struggle without you. Wish I could be with you my precious Daniel 💔

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Alison Caplan lit a candle
Mum Caplan lit a candle
Evie Unkles lit a candle
Dad wrote

Miss you son with every heartbeat.Nothing is the same without you.
Love you so much my beautiful Dandan.

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Jane Copland lit a candle
Allison Caskie lit a candle
Dr Karen Jane Merry wrote

Daniel you are so Loved. I think of you every day and hold you so very close in my heart. Just as the stars in the sky will always be there and twinkle, sparkle and shine; my Love for you will always burn brightly and certainly never end.

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Dr Karen Jane Merry lit a candle
Mum wrote

Happy 18th birthday my precious boy. Miss you every second. So lost without you here.

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Eva Barbour lit a candle
Greg Barmack wrote

Happy Birthday Daniel, love you more than imaginable x

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Adam Barmack lit a candle