Brian Cook (16 May 1936 - 27 Jul 2020)

Donate in memory of
BrianRNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution

£330.00 + Gift Aid of £75.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
BrianWoodland Trust

£220.00 + Gift Aid of £35.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Southend Crematorium 654 Sutton Road Southend on Sea SS2 5PX
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In loving memory of Brian Cook who sadly passed away on 27th July 2020.
Brian's funeral will be at Southend Crematorium Tue 11 Aug at 1240. Due to covid, numbers are limited so please let me know if you want to come. There will also be the facility to view the funeral on the internet - contact me if you want the password.
Please donate any money you would have spent on flowers to dad's charities, or your own, or give to the next homeless person you pass. Do something kind in memory of the kindest man we ever knew. There is an online donation facility on this site.
He really was the kindest man we ever knew. And he loved people. Dad visited my small village in the Pennines once a year for the band contest and sometimes ended up introducing me to my neighbours. He talked to everyone and everyone liked him.
He worked astonishingly hard, in his job, as a councillor, on his hobbies, for his charities.
He detested unfairness and put in many hours unpaid and unrecognised, trying to secure a fair deal for those he thought had been unfairly treated. Among many others, he stood up for migrants, work colleagues, kids with behaviour problems, donkeys, seals, stray dogs and stray humans.
His integrity and hard work were valued. When he lost his council seat he ceased to be a school governor. For a week. Until his political opponents insisted on his reinstatement and co-opted him back onto the school board.
He loved his children and his grandchildren, taking a genuine interest in everything they did. We all adored him.
Laurence Cook

Malcolm Hayes wrote

I was very sorry to hear of Brian's passing. I knew him for a relatively short time as a fellow member of the U3A Military History group, but soon realised he was a character! It was only by reading through others' memories that I discovered what a great guy he was, and I know he will be sadly missed.
I have donated to the RNLI as per the wishes of his family, and have also donated in memory of another U3A memebr who recently passed away, namely Henry White.

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Malcolm Hayes donated in memory of Brian
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sheila keogh donated £20 in memory of Brian

We are so sorry that Brian suffered illness and passed away. He was such a lovely man, as was Margaret a lovely woman. Together they created a lovely happy home environment and brought a smile to all who knew them. Rest in peace, Brian.

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Joseph Doyle donated in memory of Brian

A good and true friend. I’ll miss his tomatoes. A very generous man.

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ALAN MESNER donated £20 in memory of Brian
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Sue Heard donated £20 in memory of Brian

This donation is on behalf of the Classical Music Group

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Graham Taylor donated in memory of Brian

I shall certainly miss you Brian, but maybe not your 'jokes' as you recovered from your strokes. The world is a sadder place without such a good man.

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neeraj sharma donated £20 in memory of Brian

I can see where Laurence gets his values from. Met Brian a few times and both Reena and I loved his simple approach and great values.

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Kate Cable donated £20 in memory of Brian

I knew Brian from a little girl, teenage years, and through having to become a grown up! As best friends with his daughter Alison since forever. Brian was a kind gentle man always had time for you and his children and later grandchildren. He will be sadly missed by all who new and loved him. I am sure he will be watching over his loved ones, and hope he remembers that Alison was always the bad influence on me! Rest in peace 😔

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Alan Durow donated £30 in memory of Brian

Alan Durow wrote

During my career in the Construction Industry I had the pleasure of coming across Brian twice, once in the 70’s when he joined Hammond & Miles where I started my career, and several moves later for both of us, when I joined him at Jerram Falkus in 1991. It was only later that I learnt that the Directors had asked Brian about me when I’d applied for the job. I guess he gave me a decent reference! We worked there together as Senior Estimators until Brian’s retirement in 2001. Brian was a real professional and with us both being “old school”, we got on well together. Brian was not only a brilliant colleague but also a true friend.

He had a fund of anecdotes and jokes to fit all occasions and it only needed something to trigger his memory for him to reel one off.
Brian was extremely proud of his family and it was very obvious that he was a much loved husband and father to his family.

With Brian living in Barking and me in Seven Kings we used to help each other with lifts to and from work when one or other of us was unable to drive. I think I may have got the best of the bargain and I learnt all the “rat runs” that Brian had used over the years.

After Brian’s retirement we kept in touch by telephone. After Brian’s major stroke on Southend promenade, when he had such problems speaking and remembering the right words, he didn’t give up. He still persevered and used to tell me about his progress with the speech therapists at Southend and how he helped out with other patients. For someone so articulate and numerate it must have been a blow to lose so much. But typically Brian didn’t give in. He was a real fighter and he kept plugging away to regain as much as he could.
He may not have achieved his stated ambition of drawing his pension for more years than he’d paid in but he had a damn good try!

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Ruth Jobson donated in memory of Brian

Remembering Brian Cook and all his kindness and hoping these contributions will help towards creating a greener planet for Brian's grandchildren and all beings...

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Dinah Butler is attending the funeral
Dinah Butler donated in memory of Brian

In loving memory of a wonderful man, bright, witty, determined and great in his garden.

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John & Sarah Painter donated £30 in memory of Brian

A lovely man and true gentleman, a sad loss.

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Laurence Cook donated in memory of Brian
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Laurence Cook posted a picture
Dad on Southend Pier, photo sent me by Marion

Dad on Southend Pier, photo sent me by Marion

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Helen Lodge donated in memory of Brian

Rest in Peace Uncle Brian

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CHRISTINE BRANNAN donated £20 in memory of Brian

One of yours and Margaret's favourites

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CHRISTINE BRANNAN donated £30 in memory of Brian

Just watched on tv so know you would like money for this one

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Dear Brian
Everyone is leaving such well deserved wonderful messages for you and beautiful heartfelt comments from your son Laurie but I decided to write you a last letter. You were such a fighter and so very determined to get well. I remember even after your first stroke (only you could come out of Iceland put the shopping in the boot and get in the car and drive straight into a lamp post) you rang to let me know and left a message on my answer machine. So very garbled but that was the first time I knew something was wrong. You worked so hard with that special typewriter to learn to spell again. So clever of you
We both lived through the London blitz and survived when so many didnt. Think it made us strong and we grew up with the same ideals of being kind to everyone. Didnt matter if kindness was taken as weakness we did what came from the heart as I am writing this now to you. Oh how I will miss you.
I remember if we had for instance two apples and one looked better than the other we always gave the better one away! Same for everything. We both have always loved our singing in fact I recorded a song for Alison to play to you and you were able to listen. You achieved so much in life two lovely sons and a beautiful daughter. You looked after Margaret and took it all in your stride. I could go on writing this letter forever and like you always talked a lot - must run in the family! Hope you have met up with everyone on the other side. So many in the family would have been waiting for you. I'm sending all our love from George and I and our children and grandchildren. What more can I say until we meet again goodnight god bless lots of love
Chrissie xxxxx

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Paul Mardon donated £30 in memory of Brian

I have known Brian for over ten years through the U3A, Mens Forum & other groups, not least the Laurel & Hardy club. He was a really great chap to know, full of stories & anecdotes, so many that it was sometimes a challenge to get him to shut up! What I most admired was his battling spirit & determination to overcome adversity. After his first stroke he worked so hard to recover that he ended up as a volunteer helping other stroke sufferers more badly affected than himself. Even when he was struggling to read & write he still contributed fully to our meetings often using just a few handwritten notes & his memory to do so.
One of my favourite sayings from Brian was that he had an ambition to live long enough that he would get more years out of his pension plan than the number of years he had paid in. I don’t know whether he achieved that ambition. I truly hope he did.

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Glyn Jackson wrote

My Uncle Brian was one of the kindest people I ever knew. Hardly a bad word to say about anyone possibly except Jeremy Corbyn! Even in the worst times of his health problems he was positive and optimistic about the future. He was hugely intelligent, loved all his family dearly, missed his wife, my Auntie Margaret, every day. To my certain knowledge, no one ever had a bad word to say about Brian. He was old school and will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him. It is my greatest regret that Covid 19 restrictions meant that for the first time in 12 years I wasn't able to see him almost daily. I miss him more than I can say. Rest in peace Brian.

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Christine Brannan posted a picture
Our happy day at my Mum and Dads platinum wedding day celebrations

Our happy day at my Mum and Dads platinum wedding day celebrations

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Michael Rider donated £20 in memory of Brian
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Michael Rider wrote

I only new Brian for the last few years despite his health problems he was always smiling and telling jokes.He will be missed by many.

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Andrew Redman lit a candle