Arthur Tombs (2 Sep 1913 - 26 Apr 2020)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
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In loving memory of Arthur Tombs who sadly passed away on 26th April 2020, aged 106 years.

Lizzie Harrison wrote

Was a pleasure to look after such a lovely, funny man. You always made me smile on the night shifts at Clifton and with your foot that would always set off your sensor. RIP Arthur you’ll be very missed ❤️

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Sheryl Young posted a picture
Clifton Local News article from when Arch turned 100 in September 2013

Clifton Local News article from when Arch turned 100 in September 2013

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Sheryl Young wrote

A lovely, kind man who was never anything but an utter gentleman.
Reunited with his beloved wife Lou, Son Keith, Daughter in law Margaret and Grandson Paul.
Condolences to his Great Granddaughter Rebecca.
May you rest in peace Arch , it was a pleasure knowing you xxx

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Sheryl Young lit a candle
Rebecca Moran is attending the funeral
Rebecca Moran lit a candle
Joanna Widdowson lit a candle