Herbert Newman (13 Oct 1933 - 8 Apr 2020)

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HerbertDiabetes UK

£20.00 + Gift Aid of £5.00
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HerbertCancer Research UK

£50.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
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Bandon Hill Cemetery Plough Lane Beddington SM6 8JQ
11th May 2020
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In loving memory of beloved brother, husband, father, grandad and great-grandad Herbert John Newman who sadly passed away on 8th April 2020. Fondly known by all as ‘Bert’.

Grandad will be buried and laid to rest with ‘Nanny Alice’ at Bandon Hill Cemetery. There will be a small graveside service given by Father Emmanuel from St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church.

Due to the current funeral constraints attendance to the graveside is limited to a small number of family members. In lieu of flowers our chosen charities are Diabetes UK and Cancer Research. Should you wish, please use the links provided to make a donation.

Please feel free to light a candle on here in memory of Herbert or maybe add some memories or photos to remember him by.

We hope that later in the year when safe to do so, we will arrange a mass in Grandads memory and a get together to celebrate his life.

Alice Newman-Leah lit a candle
Alice Newman-Leah posted a picture
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Alice Newman-Leah posted a picture
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Alice Newman-Leah posted a picture
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Alice Newman-Leah wrote

Dearest Grandad,

I am not sure where to begin; it’s not normal for me to be lost for words, but no amount of words will explain how much you meant to not only myself but Aubrey too.

I miss hearing your voice, having to repeat myself several times or explaining how to use the I pad so we could see your face properly. Sorry I didn’t always answer the phone (I was terrible at this) but I’m glad I have all the voicemails you left me as I play them often as it’s such a comfort to hear your voice. I keep willing the phone to ring.

Although I am filled with sadness that you are no longer with us; happiness will always shine through. I will forever be grateful for the memories of you, the constant support you gave us and for always being there. As Grace so rightly said we wouldn’t be who we are or where we are without you so we thank you for that.

I feel immensely proud and honoured to have been able to call you my Grandad, and although you are not here in body you will always remain in spirit keeping us safe. Aubrey will grow up hearing all about her truly wonderful Great Grandad, I will forever keep your memory alive.

Rest peacefully with Nanny and Dad.

I will always love you Grandad

Alice and Aubrey xxx

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  • Beautiful Alice xx

    Posted by Mary on 8/06/2020 Report abuse
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Alice Newman-Leah wrote

Dearest Grandad,

I am not sure where to begin; it’s not normal for me to be lost for words, but no amount of words will explain how much you meant to not only myself but Aubrey too.

I miss hearing your voice, having to repeat myself several times or explaining how to use the I pad so we could see your face properly. Sorry I didn’t always answer the phone (I was terrible at this) but I’m glad I have all the voicemails you left me as I play them often as it’s such a comfort to hear your voice. I keep willing the phone to ring.

Although I am filled with sadness that you are no longer with us; happiness will always shine through. I will forever be grateful for the memories of you, the constant support you gave us and for always being there. As Grace so rightly said we wouldn’t be who we are or where we are without you so we thank you for that.

I feel immensely proud and honoured to have been able to call you my Grandad, and although you are not here in body you will always remain in spirit keeping us safe. Aubrey will grow up hearing all about her truly wonderful Great Grandad, I will forever keep your memory alive.

Rest peacefully with Nanny and Dad.

I will always love you Grandad

Alice and Aubrey xxx

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Grace Newman posted a picture
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  • RIP Bert God Bless You forever. Flowers are beautiful Xxx

    Posted by Mary on 13/05/2020 Report abuse
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Grace Newman posted a picture
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Sally Orchard donated £50 in memory of Herbert
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Grace Newman wrote

Thank you all for your very kind words about Grandad and the memories you have shared. He was an exceptional man and I’m not sure I could ever fully explain how much he meant to me.

Yesterday the funeral went beautifully. The sun started to shine brightly as Father Emanuel began the service and Alice and I knew that Grandad was there with us.

I wrote this eulogy to pay tribute to our Grandad and to try and put into words just how much he meant to everyone;

Our Grandad,

Was a man who was loved by so many, but also a man with so much love and kindness to share.

From the stories he told of being the eldest of 9, his caring nature shone through from the start. The story that sticks most in my mind is how he used to change Aunty Joans nappies.

Over 86 years he had a wonderful life and achieved a great deal; from his service in the RAF as a young man, becoming a proud member of the Metropolitan Police Force for over 35 years and then his time as a Civil Servant managing the Police House in Fulham.

Grandad always enjoyed sharing stories, especially about his time as a Police Officer. Two that I remember most are when he met Gregory Peck whilst on his beat with good friend ‘Noddy’ (John) Baxter and also about the few occasions the local pub landlord would leave a pint on the windowsill by the back door as a thank you for the assistance he and his colleagues had given in helping manage any disruptive behaviour.

During these years Grandad met the love of his life our Nanny Alice. They had many wonderful holidays together to sunnier locations, attended many a social soirée and built a family together with their son Christopher, our Dad. May they now all rest in peace together, reunited as a family.

Entertaining was something both Nanny and Grandad enjoyed, with close family and good friends. Grandads “Curry a la Bertie” were famous and always talked about. Even after loosing Nanny, Grandad still enjoyed a good social get together, family occasion or opportunity to entertain.

Family meant everything to our Grandad, both in life and in death. He never stopped being devoted to Nanny. In the latter part of Grandads life Alice and I came along and we immediately became part of that devotion.

When I close my eyes and think of my earliest memory, Grandad was there. He was always there for both of us. Whether it was baby sitting whilst Mum and Dad were at work, teaching us how to tie our shoe laces, tell the time or hold our cutlery correctly. He never once missed a school sports day, nativity, fete or music recital. Then many years travelling to Cornwall to see us and create many more precious memories. Not once did our Grandad ever let us down.

Without the constant love, generosity and guidance from our Grandad neither of us would be who we are or where we are today. I am so grateful for the 4 special years I spent with him whilst at university and the opportunity it gave me to reciprocate the care he had shown us over the years, but trying to take care of him was not an easy task to do.

Words can not begin to describe how much our Grandad meant to both of us; the relationship a grandchild has with their grandparent is extremely precious and one that can not be replace or forgotten. I know for Alice as well it was extremely special that her daughter Aubrey got the pleasure of meeting her Great Grandad and spending precious time with him. They both really made each other smile.

There will not be a day that passes where we do not think of you Grandad, there will be times of sadness, but we know that would not want us to be sad or upset and so we will cherish the many happy memories that we have.

Grandad, no measure of time would have ever been enough and we will always love you, even though you are not here. We know that you will watch over us everyday and will always be by our sides.

May God watch over you now and keep you safe in his company.

Rest comfortably and peacefully Grandad, we will always love you.

As you would always say “God bless you”.

Forever your granddaughters,

Grace and Alice

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  • Lovely Grace xx

    Posted by Wendy on 12/05/2020 Report abuse
  • Dear Alice and Grace this brought a tear to my eye as much as grandad loved you both you gave as much love to him. The stories you wrote I remember him telling them as well he loved a good story. Always in my prayers may he RIP in Gods love back with Alice and Christopher . Much love to you both Mary Xxx

    Posted by Mary on 13/05/2020 Report abuse
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Grace Newman donated £20 in memory of Herbert
Harriet Crome lit a candle
Harriet Crome wrote

I have nothing but happy memories when I think of uncle Bert. Always such a kind, generous and joyful gentleman to be around.

This may not make sense to everyone but i would always know on “squeak piggie squeak” if the piggie was Bert! And I loved that!!

I have always acknowledged how special Alice and Graces relationship was with their grandad and It was very clear how extremely proud of them both he was (even when he was to joke about how he got bossed around by them!) True love

Rest in peace uncle Bert,

Lots of love, Harriet xxx

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keeping a close eye on us while we were most likely up to no good!

keeping a close eye on us while we were most likely up to no good!

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Harriet Crome lit a candle
Jamie Newman-Leah lit a candle
Jamie Newman-Leah wrote

Dear Alice and Grace,

It was an honour to have known and spent so much time with Grandad.

We have so many happy memories together and in particular our holiday to Gozo is one that will always bring a smile to my face!

Another one is when he took me on a tour of London football grounds while you were at the Olympics; we went to Chelsea, Fulham and QPR and he shared stories of his career in the police along the way. I believe this was one of the first times I'd met him and the first time I'd visited him in London. He knew I was an avid football fan and he went out of his way to do something for me, which was to be a running theme in the years ahead.

He welcomed me into your family and inspired with his kindness and generosity towards us all. I know he was incredibly proud of everything you have both accomplished and to see the joy you (and later Aubrey) gave him will be an image I cherish forever. I take comfort in having so many happy memories of Grandad and I believe everyone else who knew him will do so too.

Thanks for everything, Bert. I'm proud to have the Newman name. May you rest in peace.


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wendy crome wrote

Bert or as George and Harriet called him Uncle Bert. He was a lovely member of our extended family. Always up for a laugh and a joke and loved a chat. He will be greatly missed. God Bless as he would say. R.I.P. Bert

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Jamie Newman-Leah posted a picture
Alice, Aubrey, Grace and Grandad, Christmas 2019.

Alice, Aubrey, Grace and Grandad, Christmas 2019.

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Jamie Newman-Leah posted a picture
Alice and Grandad, London 2012.

Alice and Grandad, London 2012.

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Jamie Newman-Leah posted a picture
Waiting to go on the London Eye in 2012.

Waiting to go on the London Eye in 2012.

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wendy crome donated in memory of Herbert
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Fun and games

Fun and games

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wendy crome posted a picture
Family gathering

Family gathering

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wendy crome posted a picture
Alice and Grandad

Alice and Grandad

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wendy crome posted a picture
BBQ Tony and Bert .Pops and Grandad

BBQ Tony and Bert .Pops and Grandad

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  • I shall miss Bert, proud to have known him and a great loss to our family.

    Posted by Tony on 12/05/2020 Report abuse
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Kath Gallacher wrote

Dear Grace, Alice and family.

What can I say that has not been said already? Bert was a very special person and I count myself lucky to have had him as a very dear friend for such a large part of my and Ed’s lives. Bert’s great love was Alice, your Dad, you two and of course his great granddaughter.

I have got so many treasured memories going way back to when he was in the Police, and we went to dinner/dances at Hammersmith, right up to the present day when we would go to the Zafran Indian restaurant (which was one of Bert’s favourite places to eat). We also had lovely days out, such as at Aylesford Priory on the feast of St Theresa. Bert was a devout Catholic and went to mass every Saturday evening. It did not matter where we were going Bert had to have mass first.

We used to enjoy our days out cherry picking - well truth be told we used to go to the farm shop to ‘pick’ and buy the ready trays of cherries. Joan, Bert’s sister, used to ring and tell him when and where they were being picked and off we would go. Cherries were Bert and Ed’s favourite fruit.

On sunny days we would head to Hastings to walk on the beach. After this exercise we would have a fish and chips lunch at Maggie’s, a well known restaurant on the beach.

I could go on and on with so many happy and funny stories, like the occasion of my daughter’s 18th birthday at Addiscombe church hall when Bert and Ed were the delegated bouncers! They were to check everyone’s invite to make sure there were no gatecrashers. There was no official bar at the party just the one that was open for Bert and Ed only - they made good use of it! But that’s a tale for another day.

‘Bertie Bassett England’s Greatest Asset’ was the name my daughter gave to your Grandad. How true.

Grace and Alice how blessed you were to have had the very best as your Grandad, as were we to have him as a dear friend. You were both loved and cherished by him and he was so proud of you both. You were what kept him going.

We talked every week and sometimes he’d pop over for a cup of tea. When he rang he always finished with, ‘You alright then?’ and I would say, ‘Yes Bert, I am fine’. Well Bert I am not fine now and I miss you. R. I.P.

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Corenne Rule wrote

Bert lovely man, a pleasure to have know him and we will miss him at all the family gatherings.
Much love Corenne and Melvon x

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