1 1 (6 Dec 1923 - 19 Apr 2020)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
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Alice Bentley wrote

Thankyou for being a hero in two little girls stories, who have grown up to become a wonderful loving mother and a loving aunt. None of our stories would be the same without you. Sleep peacefully Teddy.

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Nathan Kershaw wrote

Dear Ted,

Thank you for fond childhood memories of our family visits to see you and granny while holidaying in Bournemouth - some of my happiest times. I will always remember your lovely house, granny's lumpy microwave custard (bless her), your lovely cat Purdy and of course your workshop- where some true craftmanship took place. They certainly don't make it like they used to.

I'd also like to say thank you for your service during one of our darkest times. I know you didn't think much of it, but you contributed to the freedoms we enjoy today, so thank you.

You certainly enjoyed life to the fullest and made some amazing memories and I'm so pleased you were able to carry it on for so long.

Rest easy Ted

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Karen Candy posted a picture
Ted and Karen selfie

Ted and Karen selfie

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Dorothy Kershaw wrote

Dear old Ted, I am really glad you married my Mum, because you brought a lot of happiness into her life and also became a beloved Grandad figure to my children though you did not want to be called "Granddad ! "

You where such a happy and fun loving person, a good laugh and also very skilled and hard working; a good all rounder.

I am really looking forward to you being back with us again and to spending more time with you as I know I shall. Until then lots of love, Dorothy.

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Family Time together at the Marina xx

Family Time together at the Marina xx

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Ted with Vicky and Mum x

Ted with Vicky and Mum x

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Job 14:14,15

Job 14:14,15

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Thank You Jim xx

Thank You Jim xx

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Mums photo of Granny and Ted on Poole Quay waiting for a boat .

Mums photo of Granny and Ted on Poole Quay waiting for a boat .

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Claire Bentley wrote

Thank you for bringing so much love into my life as a child,your great sense of humour and fun,your positive up beat spin on life.It wasn't just all the lovely days out we had in Dorset Shell Bay Swanage, Weymouth,Corfe Castle,it was the great company and love you and granny showed me.You taught me many things to be a happy and responsible adult and I will always love brown furniture.See you in the New World

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Charlie Claxton lit a candle
Charlie Claxton wrote

It was sad day when Ted left to move up nearer Rebecca. Being neighbours for over 30 years it was a pleasure to have such a great man whom I spent many hours talking with over the back garden wall.
Never one to be a quitter I often saw him in his shed making bits and pieces for people and operating his power tools even in his 90,s, which I often commented on to him. Needless to say my concerns were dismissed, "been using them for years, I think you can say after all this time I have some idea what I'm doing". Says it all about him.
Like many of his generation, we owe so much for the unsung heroes who afford us the life style we enjoy today.
May you rest in peace and rise in glory Ted,
God bless you.
Charlie (No 16 )

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Ben Dalgetty posted a picture
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Ben Dalgetty lit a candle
Will Bentley wrote

I ll always remember the times you and great granny visited when we were younger. You were always very generous and happy to see us, and had lots of time and stories for us.

I remember you wanted me to go and sign up to be a drummer boy at a civil war reenactment at Corfe Castle, because you knew I was interested in history and wanted to encourage that.

Your love of life , your sense of humour and the fact you just got on with things like going off on cruises and holidays when many would have sat at home, will always stay with me.I look to forward to knowing you better in the future.

Rest well grandad
lots of Love

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture
Dorothy (Mum) and Ted at Milford Haven.

Dorothy (Mum) and Ted at Milford Haven.

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Victoria Flinders wrote

Uncle Ted, I want to thank you for my happy childhood nostalgia. Seeing you and granny when Nathan and I were young ment we were on our summer holidays and truly free! We are however still very sorry for breaking the ladder in your back garden, I promise you a new one someday soon.

Thank you for teaching me to flick a fork across the room, for letting me win at chequers and for polishing my shoes.
What a gentleman.

Have a peaceful rest, you need all your energy for the next chapter.

Love Victoria x

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Rebecca Baucutt posted a picture


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Rebecca Baucutt wrote

When we first met, you thought you were looking down at the naughtiest little face in Bournemouth, you probably were, but to be fair I was the one looking up at the cheekiest face in Moordown, and so our friendship began.

You were always someone I completely trusted and my fondest treasured childhood memories are those spent with you and Granny.

You taught me so much, not just how to swim and how to roller skate, but how to be happy, how to trust, and how to love.

I promised Granny I would always take care of you, but she didn't need to ask, because I have always loved you and looking after you was an absolute honour.

I will never forget you. The sunshine you bought into my life will always burn through the temporary clouds of death, and I know with all my heart, that I will see you again soon.

all my silly soppy love.....


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  • Ted could not of had a more caring Granddaughter than you were to him. You bought much sunshine to him in his later life.

    Posted by Charlie on 24/04/2020 Report abuse
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