Wilfred 'Wilf' Godfrey (28 Feb 1931 - 2 Apr 2020)

Funeral Director


In loving memory of Wilfred 'Wilf' Godfrey who sadly passed away on 2nd April 2020, aged 89 years.

Please find below the service held for Dad today 20th April 2020

A Service to Celebrate the life of Wilfred Herbert Godfrey
Monday 20th April 2020 at 9.30am
The Round Chapel, Markeaton Crematorium

Entrance music - On The Sunny Side of The Street by Frank Sinatra

Today, we honour the life of Wilfred Herbert Godfrey, known to you all as Wilf. I lead this service as an independent celebrant, my name is Lisa Bonito-Day.

Being here isn’t only to pay your respects to Wilf, to say your last goodbye, but you’re also here to show your love and support for one another.

As difficult as today is, and quite possibly one of the hardest days Wilf’s family will ever have to encounter, I ask that we are less here to mourn his passing but rather to celebrate his life. Given with the added restrictions in place, we do our best, and offer our best, we also extend our thoughts to Pat, who is unable to physically be here to say goodbye to her husband.

When I recently spoke with Carol, at such a difficult time, she told me of her dad and just some of the stories of his life. And so, our music, poem and personal words are an offering of peace and love for Wilf’s life. As we dedicate our service to him, please place love in your hearts and Wilf will be at the forefront of your minds.

If any comfort at all, can be taken from today, is that each of you have played a valued part in Wilf’s life; the love you have shared for one another has been given unconditionally. Today, we acknowledge a devoted husband to Patricia, a loving father to Carol and David, a great father-in-law to Barry and Trish, grandad, great grandad and brother. Wilf is held in high regard by everyone who knew him.

Carol described her dad to me as lovely but sometimes lovingly grumpy too, for many years, Wilf was often referred to as having a similar character to Victor Meldrew, but aside of this, he was a gentleman and always did the best by his family.

I’d like to share with you a poem chosen by Rebekah and Rhianne, his Granddaughters, they have asked me to read on their behalf. Here is David Harkins with He Is Gone.

You can shed tears that he is gone,
Or you can smile because he lived,
You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him
Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him and only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on,
You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your back,
Or you can do what he would want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

The story often retold over many years, was of the time when Wilf was born, with his mum showing signs of labour, Wilf’s dad rushed out to fetch the midwife, but by the time he and the midwife arrived back at the house, Wilf had already made his entrance in to the world!

Wilf was the youngest of four children, with older siblings Joe, Iris and Doreen, Wilf was never short of attention. The children were raised during difficult times, but their parents always did their best to provide a happy home.

Active and always full of adventure, Wilf was always on the go. At 5 years of age, unfortunately, a car collided with Wilf; luckily, Wilf was okay and he made a full recovery, to reward his bravery and for being a good boy, his parents bought him a budgie, it became his pride and joy he even taught it how to swear!!

As time went by, Wilf started his apprenticeship at Kays Garage, but it wasn’t long and he was called for National Service. Two years on, and having completed his duties, his father got him a job at the Ordnance depot, then a few years later he secured a position working for Rolls Royce, after many year’s service, he took the opportunity to take early retirement.

It was whilst out one evening at The Grand Theatre, he realised someone was tapping their foot on his back , he turned to see a beautiful young lady smiling back at him, Wilf jumped up out of his seat and went to sit next to her, cheekily putting his arm around her and asking if she needed something to lean on. Here is where both of their lives were soon to change.
Wilf and Patricia married in 1954, at St Werburgh’s Church, having celebrated over 60 years of marriage, with a combination of sunny and rainy days, but mostly sunny. Wilf loved Patricia unconditionally, although a man of his era, he sometimes found it difficult to express his love outwardly to those important to him, but love them he did.
In time, Carol and David were born, and their family became complete. Wilf always worked hard to provide and he also managed to find a good work life balance, and as a family they created some lovely times together, holidays in Ingoldmells and Sutton on Sea and then closer to home, days out walking and enjoying picnics in the Peak District.

Sometimes his love of fishing left Pat at home with the children on her own. He won many trophies. He once returned from a night shift to find Pat had put his fishing tackle in bed as she said he’d rather sleep with that than with her !

Wilf was proud to witness his children fly the nest. A few years later Rebekah and Rhianne were born to Carol and Barry, and Wilf doted on them, he also welcomed into the family, Jodie and Liam and Jon and Jennie he regarded them as his grandchildren – and loved to spend time with them all. He now also gained the title of great grandad, and Amelia and Henry were born.

A loving husband, dad, grandad and great-grandad, Wilf will be sorely missed by you all.

It is important to acknowledge the care and compassion showed to Wilf by the carers at Lavender Lodge Nursing Home, and in light of this, in Wilf’s memory, donations are welcome in aid of The Residents Fund at Lavender Lodge. Wilf enjoyed many an hour of activities and fun time whilst there, and it would be nice to think, fellow residents will continue to receive the same. (Please send any donations to Fiona at A W Lymn at the Spondon Office - cheques payable to Lavender Lodge...Thank You)

Having shared just some of the stories and times of Wilf’s life, we will now have a moment of reflection, where I ask you to gather your own thoughts, your memories, the relationships you’ve shared and how you will remember him. This reflection time also gives you the opportunity to silently pray should you wish.
It is now the committal part of our service where we prepare to say our final farewell, I would ask, if you are able, to please stand.
I lay my head to rest,
and in doing so,
lay at your feet
the faces I have seen,
the voices I have heard,
the words I have spoken,
the hands I have shaken,
the service I have given,
the joys I have shared,
the sorrows revealed,
I lay them at your feet,
and in doing so
lay my head to rest.
Wilf, we are gathered here in your name, to honour you and your life. We thank you for being you and for the unconditional love you continuously offered.

You have provided the gift and foundation of life for your children, something for which they will be eternally grateful – your teachings and inspiration have also been shared with your grandchildren and it brings comfort to them all knowing you will always be a part of them. The love you gave to Pat, your extended family and friends is something that can never be taken away.

As we try to understand and accept your time here on Earth is complete and your hard work is done, this journey of life has come to an end, we take comfort knowing that you lived a life filled with happiness, surrounded by love. With tears at your passing but in gratitude for your life, we now tenderly offer your body back to Mother Earth; back to nature itself – earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Wilf, we ask that you may now rest in peace, reunited into the love of your loved ones gone before you.

With the sadness which surrounds you, we can often find ourselves questioning life’s meaning and purpose. We all know that, following birth, comes life and ultimately death and somehow, we are never quite prepared for the changes ahead of us. I do ask that you continue to love and support one another and take each day one step at a time, with no expectation on yourself in your time of grief, as at moments like this, time surely doesn’t exist. Wilf leaves an imprint of love within all of your hearts.
As we draw towards the end of our service. I would like to offer my sincere condolences to you, and I thank you for allowing me to share my words with you. On behalf of Wilf’s family, I have been asked to thank you for your support and comforting words, they are very much appreciated at this time.

For now, if you could please remain seated until the time that the funeral director will begin to escort you from the chapel. We will begin to listen to our concluding music, at this time, the committal curtains will shortly close. Here, a very much-loved artist of Wilf and Pat's, is Frank Sinatra with My Way.

Created and Produced by
Lisa Bonito-Day
Independent Funeral Celebrant
All rights reserved
07963 932191

List of the 7 Attendees below:

David and Trish Godfrey
Liam Godfrey
Carol and Barry Palmer
Rebekah and Rhianne Palmer

No funeral reception was held.

David Godfrey lit a candle
Don Wicker lit a candle
Don Wicker wrote

Lovely words and pictures
RIP Wilf you will be missed

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jean hughes wrote

What beautiful words, heartfelt condolences to you all he would have loved that RIP Wilf

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jean hughes lit a candle
Sonia Nash lit a candle
Sonia Nash wrote

So sorry, my thoughts are with you all today at this very sad time xxx carol im sending lots of hugs and kisses for you and all your family and when this terrible time is all over I will be waiting to give you the biggest hug ever xx love to you all xxx

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Jennie Cranage wrote

That was truly lovely, thank you Carol, I felt like I was with you all x x x x

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  • My first memory of Uncle Wilf was at the age of 4yrs being bridesmaid to you and Auntie Pat; a truly memorable day. I remember you as a quiet and gentle man. Rest in peace dear Uncle Wilf

    Posted by Jeanne on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
  • I remember Uncle Wilf sat astride a motorbike outside my Nan's house with a big grin on his handsome face - he seemed so tall - my Nan adored her youngest son Rest in Peace Uncle Wilf ( Sam )

    Posted by Carol on 21/04/2020 Report abuse
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture


  • I used to love the boat he carves for me in the sand ❤️

    Posted by David on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
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Carol Palmer posted a picture


  • Lovely xx

    Posted by Sonia on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture
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Carol Palmer posted a picture


  • Wilf's 'Flower Girls'

    Posted by Carol on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
  • You all look so pretty and the flowers are lovely xx

    Posted by Sonia on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
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Carol Palmer posted a picture


  • Thanks to Anthony for this gorgeous arrangement and for bringing it all the way from Birmingham on Sunday evening - you are a star xx

    Posted by Carol on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
  • Flowers are beautiful xx

    Posted by Sonia on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
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Carol Palmer posted a picture


  • RIP Dad xxx

    Posted by Carol on 20/04/2020 Report abuse
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Fiona Hall lit a candle