Barbara Ann Walthall (9 Apr 1934 - 28 Feb 2020)

Donate in memory of

£504.70 + Gift Aid of £22.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St James Porchester Church Marshall Hill Drive Nottingham NG3 6HW
13th Mar 2020
Open map

Gedling Crematorium Catfoot Lane Nottingham NG4 4QH
13th Mar 2020


In loving memory of Barbara Ann Walthall who sadly passed away on 28th February 2020

Mairi Calderwood donated £20 in memory of Barbara

Gorgeous lady, mum, grandma , great grandma , wife, friend to many and poet xx

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Jane Ciaurro posted a picture


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Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Andrew White & Kelly Cross donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Josh & John donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Mr & Mrs Chenery & Mr & Mrs Smith donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Peter White donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Mr & Mrs S Vango donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Paul Gregory donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Jill & Simon Srive donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Pete & Nina Ball donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Rachel Jakubiak donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Anthony & John donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Yvonne Shlley donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Ken & Sue donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Marco, Alex & Gian Ciaurro donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Jean Baguley donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Betty, Tony & family donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Barbara E King donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Sylvia & Trevor Stevens donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Mrs J A Burdett donated in memory of Barbara
Offline donation: Miss P M Draper donated in memory of Barbara
Peter Best donated in memory of Barbara
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Adam Walthall posted a picture
River Trent Sept 2019.  Miss you mum x

River Trent Sept 2019. Miss you mum x

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Adam Walthall lit a candle
Adam Walthall posted a picture
Old Hunstanton Oct 19 miss you mum x

Old Hunstanton Oct 19 miss you mum x

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Jane Ciaurro lit a candle
Anna & Nino Ciaurro donated in memory of Barbara
Dawn Jones donated £20 in memory of Barbara

Barbara was warm funny and always made me feel welcome. Rest in Peace and I will never forget you. X

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Offline donation: Maria and Dino and Family donated in memory of Barbara