Keith Vincent Whitnell (24 Jan 1955 - 8 Feb 2020)

Donate in memory of
Keith VincentMake-A-Wish Foundation UK

£85.00 + Gift Aid of £15.00
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Funeral Director


In loving memory of Keith Vincent Whitnell who sadly passed away on 8th February 2020 aged 65.

Michael Lai lit a candle
James Hicks posted a picture
From his wake held at the Holiday Inn over-looking Southend Airport as a nod to his love of travelling

From his wake held at the Holiday Inn over-looking Southend Airport as a nod to his love of travelling

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James Hicks posted a picture
Collage of me and my uncle

Collage of me and my uncle

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James Hicks wrote

Below is my speech from his funeral last week. A great man and even better uncle taken too soon with many more stories yet to be told. Gone but never forgotten by all who loved him!

Never did I think I would writing nor speaking about Keith in this way so early in my life. But we cannot dwell in sadness and grief we have to remember his wonderful life full of amazing experiences and amazing people, friends and family alike, some of who we know aren’t able to be with us today but nonetheless have Keith in their thoughts much like we all do.
My memories of my uncle will always be fond and knowing how proud he was of both myself and Francesca is what is going to strive me on and continue on his legacy of travelling. I owe a lot to Keith, more than I could ever say thank you for. He gave me my love of sport, I even remember telling a teacher when I was 7 years old that he is the reason I was doing every sport club after school. From playing football and cricket in the garden, much to dads annoyance, these memories all came flooding back to me when I heard the news of his passing. I’m just so glad that I was able to give back to him too as small thank yous for all he has done for me, like taking him to the Emirates and getting sky sports on his computer, as he wouldn’t dare pay all that money. Keith may well have been Keith, as we all know but we still loved him dearly and he may be missing in ours lives now but knowing he was proud of me is something I’ll cherish forever and hope to continue to make him proud. I started this summer travelling to a few countries, mainly after hearing all his amazing stories he had so I wanted to experience this too. He ended his last diary entry from his recent trip to the UAE with “another great trip over more to come for 2020”. He might not be able to but we shall all continue on in his name. Rest in peace Keith, forever in our hearts and thoughts.

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Offline donation: Bob Land and Family donated in memory of Keith
Mark Elphick lit a candle
Mark Elphick posted a picture
December 2019

December 2019

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Mark Elphick donated £30 in memory of Keith

To my dear friend Keith, I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that you’re no longer with us. You were one of my closest friends, drinking buddy and travel companion. I’ll miss all of your travel stories and all the banter and laughs that we had. Thank you for 13 great years of friendship, advice and stories of which I’ll never forget. I love and miss you mate. Mark.
P.S. I'll get to Graceland one day!

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Maxine Cook donated £30 in memory of Keith

The travels you loved so much are nearly over, you have just one more journey to make. Bon Voyage Keith, and may you R.I.P
Maxine & Andrew xx

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Michael Lai wrote

I’d like to pay tribute to my dear friend, Keith Whitnell. I first met him on a coach tour in 2002. Keith inspired me with his holiday stories and encouraged me to travel. Over the years, I kept in touch with him even though he lived in England and I lived in Sydney. We met up again in 2005 when he stayed at my place in Sydney, then in 2006 when I stayed at his place in England. In 2010, I was fortunate to spend an afternoon and evening with him in London. The last time I saw him was in 2015 when he stayed at my place in Bangkok. We were planning to meet up again, either in London or Bangkok.

Keith returned from a Middle East holiday only a couple of weeks ago. Early last week, the virus he picked up on his travels became worse. I heard from him yesterday and he informed me that he was improving. I was absolutely shocked when I found out that he passed away not long after sending his email reply.

I loved exchanging holiday stories with him. We also discussed other topics but the focus was mainly on holidays. I would seek his advice on many aspects of travel. He had many more years of travel in him because his goal was to reach 100 countries visited. He was up to 85 when his life was tragically cut short.

Rest In Peace buddy. I’ll miss the emails we exchanged every few days. I’ll miss the life advice you gave me, especially regarding holidays. I’ll miss catching up with you again. You may be gone, but you’ll never be forgotten, especially in my eyes...a true travel inspiration.

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  • Thank you Michael for your lovely words and don't ever lose those memories. Happy travelling. Love Lynn and Mark and all the family x

    Posted by Mark on 3/03/2020 Report abuse
  • Dear Lynn, Mark and family. I wrote this message on my travel page on February 9 and I wanted to share this on Keith’s memorial page. He was a true inspiration to me and I’m sure, to many other people he met in his life.

    Posted by Michael on 3/03/2020 Report abuse
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Michael Lai posted a picture
Keith’s 60th birthday celebration month in Thailand.

Keith’s 60th birthday celebration month in Thailand.

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Mark Hicks posted a picture
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