Matthew Raymond Allcock (31 Dec 1943 - 31 Dec 2019)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
24th Jan 2020
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In loving memory of Matthew Raymond Allcock who sadly passed away on 31st December 2019 in the arms of his wife at the QMC after a courageous fight against Cancer. He is survived by his wife Mary, four daughters Celia, Christine, Claire and Sarah, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, 5 brothers, 1 sister and his nieces and nephews.

Born 31st December 1943, he lived a full and wonderful life, which gave him many memories to share such as his Territorial Army days in the South Notts Hussars when he walked into a tank at night while stationed in Germany and how he got into trouble with his Commanding Officer when his wife was a better shot on the target range than he was.

After he left the Territorial Army he went on to compare at the Satra Club where he met many famous people and up and coming bands, a wide circle of friends and family meant the parties were always one to remember. His last working years were at the Market and Fairs department and would often bring fresh fruit and fish home from the market stall holders he came to know. His children fondly remember Goose Fair with him as they would go home with the money they went with, having been on all the rides they wanted and won prizes.

A true gentleman has been lost and a saddness will be felt deeply by all who knew and loved him.

His funeral will be held on Friday 24th January at Wilford Hill at 3.00pm with a wake to follow at The Elwes Arms in Carlton.

Flowers can be sent to A.W. Lymn, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street.

Ross Allcock wrote

Grandad it’s been four years now with one of your wonderful stories. Don’t worry I keep sharing them. Esmée is turning into a a beautiful and kind young lady who is never scared to be herself. Myles is 2 now boy has he shot up! He is such a character grandad you would have loved him. He keeps mamma busy when we visit taking stones out of the fire place. I sit in your chair feels strange still but I end up sitting how you did without meaning to. Me and Em are living in our own house now though we have a few “lodgers”. I’m still looking for my dream job but I’m doing ok. Mamma is doing ok she has missy and Celia living with her and keeping her well looked after. Can’t wait to hear more of your stories and share a few of mine with you.

Miss you Grandad il see you soon


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clay peterson lit a candle
Ross Allcock wrote

Also forgot I did it grandad I’m your second grandchild to finish uni with a BA Hons in Digital Media Design got a 2:1

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Ross Allcock wrote

Grandad it’s been three years already feels like it was only yesterday. So this year has been crazy cost of living crisis and so many primeminsters. Esmée and Myles are getting so big. Esmée is 7 and is growing into a beautiful young lady she is so funny grandad she cracks me up. Myles is a adorable young man most of the time but people are right about second children being a different breed. Me and Emily are in the process of buying our first house hopefully everything goes ok. Don’t worry we are looking after mamma! She misses you badly but she is coping she has missy you would love her she’s such an energetic little dog. Auntie Celia is also taking close care of mamma. I don’t know how you manage with so many kids you deserve a medal both you and mamma. Hope everything is better where you are and relaxing. Il see you soon grandad we all miss you and love you

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Ross Allcock wrote

Grandad can’t believe it’s been two years since you have been gone so many things have happened. First of all we have another beautiful child his name is Myles Matthew Allcock hope you don’t mind we borrowed your name. He’s nearly nine months old already can’t wait to teach him all the things you taught me! I proposed to Em this year and she said yes! Also I graduated the first part of my degree has a graduation ceremony and everything cap and gown the works. Also Jordan and Shan both had little girls this year you gone from having 2 great grandkids to 5 in one year. They are both beautiful babies. I got my first tattoo this year too, it is of the sword you made me when I was kid and what it felt like to me . It was about 5 and half hours can it didn’t hurt that much at all. Miss you grandad don’t worry we all are looking after mamma rest easy il see you again! Love Ross xx

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Ross ALLCOCK lit a candle
Ross ALLCOCK lit a candle
Christine Allcock posted a picture
Your girls

Your girls

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Christine Allcock lit a candle
Christine Allcock wrote

I would like to thank you for teaching me how to be a good daughter and a good mum how to treat people with respect and not to judge a book by its cover for that I will be eternally grateful

I remember following you around while you head underneath the bonnet of your car, or watching you change a plug or wallpapering the house I will fondly remember this.

I will make sure mum will want for want for nothing and I will help her with everything I can do. This is my promise to you.

You helped me when I really needed you and I will never forget that.

Always remembered
Eternally grateful
Loved for eternity

Look after mama Lilly and mama Jane and keep an eye on Scooby too

Love you foreverr
Your daughter christine

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Shannon’s Allcock lit a candle
Ross Allcock posted a picture
Day he met his great granddaughter.

Day he met his great granddaughter.

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Ross Allcock wrote

Grandad I want to start with thank you. Thank you for being a shining example of how a man should be. For showing me what it takes to be a true gentleman, an amazing father ,an exceptional partner to the one you hold in your heart and a teacher of life.

You taught be how to shave with that little mirror of yours kept in the kitchen draw. You taught me how to be a provider for my family. You even taught me when trying to work out in the garden how to be workout properly despite at the time being 60 year old and putting a young buck to shame.

You will be missed Grandad but will always be with us all in the tales told of your adventures and misadventures in some cases. The mark you have left on us all in our hearts will never be forgotten and always cherished.

Rest now Grandad you’ve earned it

See you again one day. I want to hear about your adventures in heaven.

Love always your Grandson Ross

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Ross Allcock lit a candle
Alison Lyons lit a candle
Annette Clay lit a candle
Gay Anderson wrote

Danny and I are so sorry to hear of your loss. Although we never met him, it was very clear how much he was loved by all who knew him. And we know that you all will hold many memories of him close to your hearts. And there will come a day when you share a memory and all will feel the warmth of his love - with gladness and appreciation of all that he meant to each of you. I will share my prayers with all of you until that day finally arrives. And seeing the photo posted here? Oh my! Clearly he was a family man - one that shared his joy with all. God bless each of you until you are able to find that peace that will sustain you.

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Claire Anderson wrote

For the very first time in my 43 years, I will not hear your voice, nor see your face as you wish me a happy birthday. I miss you so much that at times it physically hurts. Despite that, I am your daughter, the rogue one that fixed cars with you not cooking with mum, the one who watched nfl football with you despite likening different teams, I am also the one that stepped on a plane and made a new life away from you. I couldn’t have done all this if I wasn’t your daughter.

You were the first man to love me, and the one I held everyone up to, to make sure the could compare. Dad I am strong, I am independent, I am beautiful, kind nurturing all because of who you are and how you and mum raised me, so this year kick back raise a beer with Darren and toast yourself to a job well done.

Rest easy soldier I will take it from here

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Mary Allcock lit a candle
Sarah Walters lit a candle
Mary Allcock wrote

I’m so proud of you for the hard battle you fought to stay with us, it’s was a long and sometimes difficult fight for you which unfortunately you couldn’t win, I will miss you always never more so than tomorrow our wedding anniversary which will now be our first one spent apart .
We shared so many moments in our life together which I will hold close to my heart always and treasure forever the words you managed to say to us all when we didn’t think we would ever hear your voice again. I will carry on giving love and support to our four beautiful daughters as I know you would want me to do
Rest now my darling till we meet again
Mary ❤️

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Jayne Elliott wrote

My deepest condolences to Mary and all the family such a wonderful gentleman will be sorely missed by his family Jayne James Daniel Scarlett xx

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Linda Gomersall wrote

Thinking of you all at this sad time such a lovely man xx

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Sarah Walters posted a picture


  • RIP matt such gentleman will be sadly missed by his wife 4 daughters and everyone that new him

    Posted by Dawn on 28/01/2020 Report abuse
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