Anele Vazgauskas (9 Mar 1927 - 23 Dec 2019)

Donate in memory of
AneleCancer Research UK

£4.30 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill (West Chapel) Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
10th Jan 2020
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In loving memory of Anele Vazgauskas who sadly passed away on 23rd December 2019

Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Anele
Matas Senkus wrote

Sending all my condolences to the family. I remember my visit with her in 2006 very fondly and it remained my favourite part of my trip to England.


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vitas bazgauskas posted a picture
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  • A lovely photo of 'Teta' Anele. I'm so glad I visited her a few years ago. We laughed, heard stories of her youth and early days in England, falling in love with Antanas. I also learned things about my own mother Regina (her sister). My mother had recently passed away and it was a comfort to share stories with Anele and see my mother's features in her. As my son Matas said when she opened her front door to greet us during a May visit 13 years ago, she looks just like mociute (Regina)! My deepest condolences to my English cousins and their families. Your mother was lucky to have such wonderful sons. She lives on through you. Audra (Canada)

    Posted by Audra on 4/01/2020 Report abuse
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