Jasminder Kaur Bachu (20 Jan 1936 - 18 Dec 2019)

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Jasminder KaurCancer Research UK

£545.00 + Gift Aid of £121.25
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Funeral Director

Gurdwara 60-62 Forest Road West Nottingham NG7 4EP
31st Dec 2019
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Wilford Hill Crematorium (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
31st Dec 2019


In loving memory of Jasminder Kaur Bachu who sadly passed away on 18th December 2019

Jasminder was the youngest child of Permesar Kaur (nee Sagoo) and Kapoor Singh Sohal, born on 20th January 1936 in Jalandhar, India. She had three sisters and two brothers, and as the youngest in her family, Jasminder was very much loved and thoroughly spoilt by all around her. She lost her father at the tender age of 5 years and had an exceptionally strong bond with her mother. She once related that if there was one moment in her life that she could return to, then it would be to nestle in her mother’s lap, as this was her happiest and care-free time in her life.

On 16th May 1956 Jasminder married Jaswant Singh Bachu and set up home in Arusha, Tanzania. They were a beautiful couple, devoted to each other and had a loving marriage lasting 34 years until his demise. Losing her husband broke Jasminder’s heart and not a day passed without her remembering him and missing his presence by her side.

Whilst living in Africa, Jasminder started her family and had five children: Ravinder, Kalvinder, Srinder, Jaspal and Kamaljeet, before moving the whole family to London in September 1970. As a mother she bestowed her love unconditionally and she was always willing to forgive and embrace all her children irrespective of the mistakes they made. Over the years, Jasminder’s family further expanded with the addition of eleven grandchildren (six girls and five boys) and two great grandchildren, Dhillon & Maya. She was grateful for all the love she received from the grandchildren and as a grandparent she was able to forge special relationships with each and every one of them. In her latter days, Dhillon and Maya in particular filled her with genuine joy, and her face would light up at the mention of their names.

Sadly 14 years ago, Jasminder lost her daughter Kalvinder and experienced subsequent family turmoil. However, despite enduring the many losses of loved ones in her life and the emotional upheavals Jasminder faced, she showed remarkable resilience and fortitude. She knew of the importance of talking openly with friends and family to help and support each other through tough times and those who knew her well, confided in her and sought comfort from her experience and wisdom.

It didn’t matter where Jasminder lived, whether in a different continent or a different city, as she had the amazing ability to accumulate friends wherever she went. Always chatting and yet always ready to listen to other’s woes and offer support with her warm and caring ways. Jasminder was a gregarious person and had a playful cheekiness which endeared her to many of her friends and family. Her light may be dimmed for now however memories of Jasminder will burn bright in all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Malik Mohamad wrote

Appreciate if someone can forward this message to Jaspal S Bachu (son of Jasminder Bachu)..
Hi Jas…really sorry to hear the sad news of your mum passing away in Dec 2019…. will never forget her welcoming smile every time she open the door when we visit you in Barking..
If you do get this message, please contact me 07913 403803 or malik@albabeds.co.uk


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Singeta Kalhan-Gregory donated £20 in memory of Jasminder

Dear Auntyji. We will remember your songs, fun and warmth to us. We will treasure the beautiful knitted suit you made Alexander with such love and kindness.

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Singeta Kalhan-Gregory wrote

We have lovely memories of you - your fun, love and singing auntyji. We also cherish the beautiful cardigan you knitted with such love for Alex. You will be so missed. All our love, Singeta, Tara, Andrew and Alex xxx

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Singeta Kalhan-Gregory wrote

We have lovely memories of you - your fun, love and singing auntyji. We also cherish the beautiful cardigan you knitted with such love for Alex. You will be so missed. All our love, Singeta, Tara, Andrew and Alex xxx

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Singeta Kalhan-Gregory wrote

We have lovely memories of you - your fun, love and singing auntyji. We also cherish the beautiful cardigan you knitted with such love for Alex. You will be so missed. All our love, Singeta, Tara, Andrew and Alex xxx

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Singeta Kalhan-Gregory wrote

We have lovely memories of you - your fun, love and singing auntyji. We also cherish the beautiful cardigan you knitted with such love for Alex. You will be so missed. All our love, Singeta, Tara, Andrew and Alex xxx

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Kiran & Davinder Bhogal donated £20 in memory of Jasminder
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Davinder Chaggar donated £20 in memory of Jasminder

Mama, I am going to miss you so much, rest in peace

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Kalvinder Mudhar donated £5 in memory of Jasminder
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Surinder Rayet donated £5 in memory of Jasminder
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Madhu & Hakikat Chadda donated £10 in memory of Jasminder
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Surinder & Ashok Sedha donated £10 in memory of Jasminder
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Ravinder, Srinder, Kamaljeet Bilkhu donated £30 in memory of Jasminder
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Surinder Rehal donated £20 in memory of Jasminder
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Gurdip Bhachu donated £60 in memory of Jasminder
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Dhanwant Dhadli donated £15 in memory of Jasminder
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Narinder, Amrik, Ranvir Gahir donated £60 in memory of Jasminder
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Offline donation: retiring collection donated in memory of Jasminder
Amrik & Harkirat Sohal & Family donated £100 in memory of Jasminder

Bau ji, we will miss you x

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Rita & Ram Jakhu donated £10 in memory of Jasminder
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Rita & Ram Jakhu donated £40 in memory of Jasminder
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Sara Perkins donated in memory of Jasminder
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Douglas Gibb donated £10 in memory of Jasminder
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Fiona Callaghan donated £25 in memory of Jasminder
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Kelli Scott donated £10 in memory of Jasminder

Sending love to all the family xx

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Kelli Scott wrote

Sending my love and thoughts to all the family xxx

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Pentreath Kamaljeet posted a picture
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