It's hard to forget someone who gave so much to remember.
Jacinta Maria Scaniglia (14 May 1931 - 21 Oct 2019)
Donate in memory of
JacintaCarers Trust East Midlands
Funeral Director
In loving memory of Jacinta Maria Scaniglia who sadly passed away on 21st October 2019.
My mother left us peacefully at 1.45 pm that morning when she went on a journey to be reunited with her darling husband of 67 years, Alfred Joseph Scaniglia. Dad passed away on 29 May and we believe mum died of a broken heart without him.
We loved mum she was undemanding and content with what she had and where she was. Andy and I felt privileged to have been able to look after her until her demise. We cared for her every need until she became too frail when we received help from the carers trust, who provided a band of dedicated carers, trained and experienced in looking after frail people like my mum had become. She leaves a large hole in our lives and our hearts as we had become so accustomed to her presence in the house. She had a wicked sense of humour and fun and that lasted to the end of her life.
Forever in our hearts – rest well my beautiful mother surrounded by angels and all the colour life has given you over the years.
Please note that Crossroads Care East Midlands has been renamed and this is now Carers Trust East Midlands your donation will go to the correct charity.