Nikolas Jason Heynes (14 Apr 1970 - 5 Jul 2019)

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£1,232.50 + Gift Aid of £231.00
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Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
6th Aug 2019
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The Poppy and Pint Pierrepont Rd West Bridgford NG2 5DX
6th Aug 2019


In loving memory of Nik Heynes who sadly passed away on 5th July 2019.

Nik was a larger than life character, with a smile that could brighten any room. He loved to banter with people and always made a connection - whether close friends and family, or the waitress at dinner, he always made them feel the spotlight of his attention - asking about them, making them feel included, sharing a joke. 'Nik-names' were a popular habit - everyone got one, sometimes several and even those who weren't keen couldn't resist accepting at least a shortening or abbreviation from the guy with the 100-watt grin.

His own name frequently being swapped out for another, he was known as Fred to his family, Dipsey to his rugby pals and several other things to those in his closest circle, Tigger being a favourite, where others aren't repeatable in polite company!

Having grown up in Suffolk, he loved the countryside, and especially the coast, and despite moving to the more land-locked Nottingham in the mid-90's he continued to visit the seaside as his favourite day out. He could never resist getting his feet wet, even going for a dip if it was warm enough (i.e. if the sun was out) and many of his most treasured holidays were spent in places where he could enjoy the beach, both at home and abroad, though especially with his beloved dogs, Treacle and Lottie - his girls. His exploration of the countryside continued when away in Betsey Bus, his cherished VW Camper - he loved the idea of being free to roam, especially if it meant he could barbecue every night!

The outdoors played a huge part in his home life too, where a love of gardening, always attributed to his mother's green fingers, led to many hours propagating, planting and growing - at one point leading to a large allotment where he spent happy times with a cold cider or two whilst tending to a crop of fruit and veg he'd then take home to cook and preserve. Cooking was perhaps the driving passion behind his veg growing, never happier than when he could turn something he'd grown himself into a meal for those he loved.

And when it came to those he loved, there was no contest - whilst he didn't always enjoy the time spent walking in rain, wind, sleet and snow, being with the dogs was often the highlight of his daily routine, and when possible, he made the most of their time together, chasing and running with them and generally playing the fool for their entertainment. Treacle was his frequent undoing - the apple of his eye from the moment he first saw the small puppy, he could never refuse her when she pawed at his foot, begging to play - many evenings were 'lost' while he chased her round the kitchen centre isle, teasing her with the coveted 'squeaker'. Lottie was equally loved, joining the family at 3.5 years old, she hadn't had a happy time of it, and he was always moved by how much she'd adapted to her new life and seemed to love being with him.

Work was a different scene - intelligent and bright, Nik's early days as a mechanic working for his Dad soon gave way to a role in IT. Starting at the bottom and working his way up, Nik's talent for delivery didn't go unnoticed, his tenacity and perseverance in the face of a challenge often winning out where others lacked the drive and motivation. Moving through a number of companies, his time at Babergh District Council, Sysao, Experian, and lastly Barclaycard are the ones that always stood out in his story-telling. His lovable nature made him someone people wanted to work with, his ability to make everyone on the team feel valued a real asset - many of his closest friends started out as colleagues. He was always proud of his work and the teams that he built, the greatest frustrations being when there were blockers to progress that he couldn't resolve himself.

In more recent times, Nik's focus shifted to his home life, where he enjoyed frequent weekends away and the delights of fine dining restaurants across the country. When not out and about, he could often be found cooking up a storm - with no less than 8 barbecues and 4 freezers, he could easily have fed the 5,000, though probably with soup and salad rather than loaves and fishes! He often spoke of a move to the country, where he envisaged owning enough land to be self-sufficient, growing his own veg, raising his own animals and maybe earning a few bob with a tree-house to rent out.

He will be greatly missed by all that knew him, a light that burned so brightly, snuffed out far too soon.

Notes for the funeral:
While Nik always looked dapper in a formal suit, he much preferred to show his flair for style with a shirt and jacket over jeans. Please wear what makes you feel comfortable but smart, and perhaps include a nod to Nik’s favourite colours which were purple, red, pink, blue and copper.
We also ask that you support our chosen charity, Mind, rather than send flowers, thank you x

Tara McCarthy donated in memory of Nikolas

I'm shocked and saddened on hearing of Nik's passing. He was always the life and soul of the party and will be greatly missed.
Sorry I could not attend the funeral.

My thoughts are with his loved ones


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Offline donation: Trevor James Ryan donated in memory of Nikolas
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Nikolas
Sarah Wattley donated in memory of Nikolas

The saying goes something like ‘I have seen further by standing upon the shoulders of giants’... To me, Nik was my Giant. He added so much to my life & expanded my horizons in so many ways... I am very grateful for everything he taught me & did for me.
I know he’ll be sadly missed by everyone who knew him
Rest In Peace Nik xxx

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Josephine and Paul Thompson wrote

We were very saddened to hear the news of Nick’s passing , he will be greatly missed by us. His bright cheerful smile and banter will be missed by all on the hook , I will especially miss him hurling his jovial comments about our Percy being a big wet blouse of a dog ............. he wasn’t wrong ..... our thoughts are with his family xxxx

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Andrea Farrelly donated in memory of Nikolas

Heartbreaking news. Super friend and human being gone far too soon- We had great times together putting the world to rights eating drinking and being merry. We’ll miss you Nik so much as will your girls.
Love ya
Curly and Andrea xx

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Andrea Farrelly wrote

Heartbreaking news gone far to soon, still had loads to do . Loved our nights together eating drinking being merry and putting the world to rights. Super friend and human being-
Love ya Nik
Curly and Andrea xx

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Steve & Verity Butler donated £20 in memory of Nikolas
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Geoff Hunkin is attending the funeral and the reception
Geoff Hunkin donated in memory of Nikolas

Memorable days at Experian not taking ourselves (or others) seriously - but succeeding in everything we did.
Thanks for the good times mate,

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Alan Eames is attending the funeral and the reception
Alan Eames donated in memory of Nikolas
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Natalie Briggs is attending the funeral and the reception
Belinda Puig donated in memory of Nikolas
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Donna Mason donated £20 in memory of Nikolas

I have only just found out this morning that Nik has passed away . I knew Nik as I looked after his dog Treacle and then Lottie .The dogs are characters just as Nik was . I’m stunned at this awful news. So very very sad. RIP Nik x

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Adrian Cudmore donated in memory of Nikolas

So sad. Many happy memories of that infectious laughter and cheeky grin!

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Adrian Cudmore is attending the funeral and the reception
Alison McCoy donated in memory of Nikolas

Such a sad loss of a lovely man ... RIP Nik .... you will be missed x

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Jonathan Davies donated £50 in memory of Nikolas

A real larger than life gentleman, with such infectious humour and happiness. Gone far too soon. RIP Nik.

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Coryn Amos donated £30 in memory of Nikolas

Will miss you every day, your smile, laughter and gossiping!

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Natalie Briggs donated £25 in memory of Nikolas

I will miss our doorstep chats about ‘The Good Life’, chickens, cake and of course ... DOGS!

Flowers from dogs and cake wrapped in string and brown paper. A very good soul who will be missed! I’m so glad we met and your love for Lottie & Treacle only goes to show how such a lovely man has been taken far too soon. Anyone who treats animals that well (as indeed they should be treated!) is my kind of person and a genuine good egg.


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Ian Suffell donated in memory of Nikolas
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Tim Wells donated in memory of Nikolas

Forever in our hearts xx

Robin and Tim Wells

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Deana Chrisp donated £50 in memory of Nikolas

Gone too soon. Missed from the 70’s club. Forever in my heart Nik xx

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Deana Chrisp is attending the funeral and the reception
Rosey Graham wrote

So sorry to hear about Nik - he will be remembered to me from walking the dogs . Always a big grin and happy to chat .
Rosey and Jeff the dog .

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Rosemarie Graham wrote

I remember Nik from the field , walking the dogs . He always had a bright smile , or a wave across the field . Really sorry to hear this sad news . Rosey and Jeff the dog .

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Rosey Graham wrote

I remember Nik from dog walking down by the river . He walked with a spring in his step , a big smile , friendly face , and always happy to chat or a wave across the field .
Rosey ( and Jeff the dog )

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Jane Wileman donated £20 in memory of Nikolas
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Rosey Graham wrote

I will always remember Nik from down the field . Walking with a spring in his step , red cheeks , big smile , always a wave , and a friendly chat . He loved his dogs , he will be missed but not forgotten . Rosey and Jeff the dog .

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