Philip Willis (3 Jan 1956 - 8 Apr 2019)

Croydon Crematorium, East Chapel Thornton Road Croydon CR0 2BB
23rd Apr 2019
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In loving memory of Philip Willis who sadly passed away on 8th April 2019

Teresa Willis wrote

It’s our baby girls 40th birthday today. Wish you were here to celebrate with us ❤️💙

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Teresa Willis lit a candle
charlotte willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis wrote

oh dad my angel just wanted to drop by and send my love. it's been 3 years now since our last cuddle and conversation and it makes me feel sick when i think about it like that but i feel like your still here with me it's like u never left just hope we r all doing you proud u would love kai he's a mini u and ronaldo always talks about how much he misses u, but u know all of this, ur gonna have another grandchild soon i just wish u was physically here to celebrate it with us but i feel your spirit and love and il sign off with love to the moon and stars and back love u infinity xxx

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Teresa Willis wrote

As another new year arrives and with the news of another grandchild in June I reflect on another year without you and another grandchild who will not know what a great man you are and will miss your love as I do. It’s your birthday tomorrow darling and I will be thinking and missing you even more.
Love always xxxx T

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Teresa Willis lit a candle
Teresa Willis wrote

As another new year arrives and with the news of another grandchild in June I reflect on another year without you and another grandchild who will not know what a great man you are and will miss your love as I do. It’s your birthday tomorrow darling and I will be thinking and missing you even more.
Love always xxxx T ❤️

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charlotte willis wrote

just wanted to pass through and send some
love, wish i could see u and give u a cuddle, hear your voice, take your advice. see you enjoying your grandchildren, i know you love ronaldo kai amd ellen, just wish you could let me know what u think and how proud u r, il always make sure you are remembered and loved, thank you for your signs keep them coming love u so much dad xxx

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Charlotte Willis wrote

Hello my angel just wanted to send u some love ❤️ hope your good up there and looking after us down here.. miss u more than u could imagine.. I know we r making u proud I see your signs.. love u dad xxx

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Teresa Willis wrote

Well my love, two years have passed since you left us. Life has been hard without you and time is not the great healer some say it is. Love always T 😘 xxx

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Lee Willis wrote

Happy birthday Dad, miss you and think of you everyday. I’ll have a drink for you tonight. Bet you are having a right giggle that those lanterns wouldn’t light today. We go again tomorrow. Love you lots
Cheers 🍻

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Charlotte Willis wrote

My beautiful dad, 2nd Christmas without u, it’s definitely not the same, your missed more than u can imagine but just know you been in my heart and thoughts all day, love u so much ❤️❤️❤️

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Teresa Willis wrote

Dearest Phil, it’s almost Christmas Day, my second one without you. Finding it so much harder this year.
Missing you everyday and thinking of you always. Teresa xx

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Teresa Willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis posted a picture
Here they are.. u was always the first person I would share pics of the kids with, U loved it, Ronaldo got 3 certificates this week u would b so proud. miss that so much, love you dad missing u too much

Here they are.. u was always the first person I would share pics of the kids with, U loved it, Ronaldo got 3 certificates this week u would b so proud. miss that so much, love you dad missing u too much

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Charlotte Willis posted a picture
Another day of fun and I know u was with us  Miss u and love u sooooo much xxx

Another day of fun and I know u was with us Miss u and love u sooooo much xxx

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Charlotte Willis lit a candle
Charlotte Willis posted a picture
We went to London zoo yesterday, we saw the robin following us around and I know it was u with us letting us all know u was there... going to see Ann on Friday so get ready xx love u dad so much xx

We went to London zoo yesterday, we saw the robin following us around and I know it was u with us letting us all know u was there... going to see Ann on Friday so get ready xx love u dad so much xx

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robert shearman lit a candle
Charlotte Willis posted a picture
I will forever remember this day ❤️ Thank u for being the best dad ever love u so much 💔

I will forever remember this day ❤️ Thank u for being the best dad ever love u so much 💔

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Charlotte Willis wrote

It’s Father’s Day today
Second one since u went away
Sit here feeling empty
Don’t know what to say
I Remember when I was small u was fast and strong
Now I’m sitting here thinking
can’t believe that your gone
Growing up u hear of cancer
People dying it’s so sad
But u never understand the pain
until it is your dad
U know he was my hero
the best friend I ever had
We went thru loads of ups and downs
But he always had my back
And even to the end he fought it all cos he was a gee
But I’d give anything in life to bring him back to me
I miss our daily conversations cussing everyone
I miss you giving me advice bout what I’m doing wrong
I miss u playing your guitar singing your bad songs
I miss u being grandad on your wind ups making em strong
I wish u met our Kai Philip before u went to rest
But I know ur watching us up there biggin up your chest
I know your proud of what u made
U know we r the best
You gave us life and left us to crack on and do the rest
So this is just for u my g my dad up in the sky I love u for eternity until the day I die xxxx

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Charlotte Willis lit a candle
robert shearman posted a picture
My best man over 30 years ago, and my best man 30 years on. Funny and kind man which we should always remember and we will. miss you Phil.. always in my thoughts and mind Never a day goes past that i do not think about you Mate.

My best man over 30 years ago, and my best man 30 years on. Funny and kind man which we should always remember and we will. miss you Phil.. always in my thoughts and mind Never a day goes past that i do not think about you Mate.



  • Love this ❤️

    Posted by Charlotte on 22/05/2020 Report abuse
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Simon and sally Willis wrote

A thousand words cant say how much you are missed.Today a year ago,St Georges Day ! was the day we had to say farewell.You was sent off to Heaven with Horses a Carriage ,Doves and lots and lots of love.You left us all our own memorys of our times with you.So, this passed year we reflected on them,weve laughed cried .So many emotions in one day,it hurts but we know its a tribute to you.
Today Simon's found it quiet hard,Seems to hit like a Steam Train.But hes played the tunes even wore Red all day ha ,that's a first.we done a minute silence too at 11.15 on the dot.
Family still doing you proud,strong,like a lion.But you know dont you 💓
Till our paths cross you will be forever in our thoughts and memorys .Keeping the faith and all that ! You know that ! ❤
Always missed a much loved bruv 💔
Brothers in Arms !

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Teresa Willis wrote

A year has passed since we said our last goodbyes but I say goodnight every night. My life goes on but in direction I did not plan or foresee. You should be here with me to share our older years and enjoy our grandchildren. I miss you so much. Love always T xxxx

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Charlotte Willis wrote

So it’s a year today since our final goodbye my lovely dad wish I could call u to tell u I love u or have my rant I miss our 11am phone calls so much :( but keeping with tradition I was drunk this day last year and I’m drunk again today. it would be rude not to as u would say it’s it at George’s day anymore it’s st Phils day lol I saw your signs today so thanks for them keep em coming
Miss u my dad love u to bits and pieces for ever and ever xxxx

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robert shearman wrote

Hi Phil,

a year not hearing your voice or a funny comment or having that glass of wine and putting the world right in our own way, and today would have been a glass or two.

in my own way i raise a glass to you and your family and all you stand for and the great man you are and the impression you made on so many people, and that counts ME.

miss you wills.



  • Thanks bob hope u and carol r well

    Posted by Charlotte on 23/04/2020 Report abuse
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