In loving memory of Anthony King who sadly passed away on 28th March 2019
Denise Masterslit a candle
Denise Masterswrote
All wishes fulfilled Tony, rest in peace xxx
Denise Mastersposted a picture
Yoo Hoo !
Yoohoo and peek a boo!
y' isn't fair and death isn't fair... you were a really good guy and you didn't deserve the barrel of crud that happened to you...BUT... you got what you wanted, not for as long as you should have, but you got it.....I did what you asked (well most of it) and you were right in all your 'diagnosis'... not much satisfaction since you aren't here any more but hey ho ... oh and your ashes were presented really beautifully, but i'm sure you know that:)..Den misses you a lot, but then I'm sure you know that too.... see you soon xxx