Irene Brown (12 Mar 1930 - 22 Mar 2019)

Donate in memory of

£329.50 + Gift Aid of £2.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (West Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
9th Apr 2019
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In loving memory of Irene Joan Brown who sadly passed away on 22nd March 2019
She was married to Albert for 59 years before becoming a widow. She had 5 children Alan, Ken, Patricia, Susan and Stephen. 13 Grandchildren 22 great grandchildren and a few great great grandchildren.
Irene was a caring loving mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.
She lived a full life visiting many different countries. She was a great mum, a best friend and someone who was loved with all our hearts.
She’s no longer in pain and reunited with our father again. She will be sadly missed so much,by so many

Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Irene
Offline donation: A J & D C Crane donated in memory of Irene
Offline donation: Linda & Boys donated in memory of Irene
Offline donation: Edna, charlie & Family donated in memory of Irene
Offline donation: R Weblin & Ms P Griffin donated in memory of Irene
Pauline Murphy is attending the funeral
Pauline Murphy lit a candle
John Davies lit a candle
Ellen Loran posted a picture
Cheeeeeeese! Out for dinner with the gang.

Cheeeeeeese! Out for dinner with the gang.

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Ellen Loran posted a picture
Even when she felt rubbish she always had time to be silly with me! One of our many Snapchat selfies

Even when she felt rubbish she always had time to be silly with me! One of our many Snapchat selfies

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Ellen Loran posted a picture
Our nanny B having cuddles with our dog Sid, he would always go looking for her x

Our nanny B having cuddles with our dog Sid, he would always go looking for her x

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Caroline Davies donated in memory of Irene
Caroline Davies is attending the funeral
Anne Deacon wrote

For my only sister
who was always there during the very hard times in my life.
I always loved you and I will always be grateful for your help and support.
Love Anne

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Kenneth Brown wrote

We all know Tolkien as one of the greatest and most creative writers of our times – and, while it is his novels that are best remembered, many of his verses and poems are also captivating . This poem is a reminder to us all that the road of life is long and can at times be a difficult one – but it is one that we must all take. When we come to the end of our journey, we will find the rest we have been searching for.
Roads go ever on
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.
Roads go ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
Mum, now your journey is complete, may you be blessed and kept safe while you rest and sleep.

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Anne Deacon wrote

For my only sister, who has always been there through the hardest times of my life, and who would offer help and support whenever I needed it. I always loved you and am so grateful that you waited for us to see you one last time.

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Susan Loran posted a picture
Big Nanny B with all her 10 grandchildren from Susans side. They all love you to the stars and back and miss you so much. No-one to sing to now, but a Million Dreams will always be your special song

Big Nanny B with all her 10 grandchildren from Susans side. They all love you to the stars and back and miss you so much. No-one to sing to now, but a Million Dreams will always be your special song

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Susan Loran is attending the funeral
Patricia Kelly wrote

Patricia's Reading .

Can You Hear Me Mother

All it takes is one picture, one memory, one song
Ever since you left us everything seems wrong
The sadness can hit me and knock me on the floor
They say it gets easier but it’s hurting so much more
I still can hear your voice and I visualize your face
But all I want is to have you right back in your place
Can you hear me mother, in my dreams I call for you
And I try so hard to get to you but I don’t know what to do
Can you see me mother, are you watching over me?
Is Heaven all they say it is, are you healthy and happy?
Your family is hurting, it’s so hard since you’ve been gone
I’m crying so much now, but I once was very strong
Losing you has changed me, made me someone new
I know you want me happy so I’ll try to be that for you
Please watch over us all, from your perch up in the sky
And every time I think of you I’ll try hard not to cry
Can you hear me mother, calling out your name
I feel you all around me, but it’ll never be the same
Can you see me mother, as you look down from your cloud?
I hope and pray with all my might that I still make you proud

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Susan Loran wrote

You mattered to me

You lived your life thinking no-one cared
You thought you were alone
But you were wrong because you see

I loved you when you were angry
I loved you when you were kind
I loved you, not because I had to
I loved you, because

It hurts to know you’re gone
I’ll never see your face again
I hurt, not because i’m Supposed to
I hurt, because

I live on without you
Will it get easier?
I feel the loss to my soul, because

Your touch, your smile, your funny wit
The times it was just you and me
I will miss you Mum with all my heart, because

Your loving daughter Susan.

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Kevin Brown wrote

I was shocked to hear you had passed away. I always remember coming to yours and uncle alberts house in Hayes with nan. No more pain R.I.P aunty Joan xxx

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Kevin Brown is attending the funeral
Kevin Brown lit a candle
Claire Hawkins wrote

All these years I never knew you were an Irene!!! You will always be Auntie Joan to me... my fondest and earliest childhood memories are filled with you and Uncle Bert... my first holiday, my first look at the seaside holding Uncle Bert’s hand and of course your budgies in your kitchen in Hayes. Me, Pete, the girls and of course mum and dad miss you dreadfully. We loved you so much and although we know you’re now reunited with Uncle Bert we wish we could see you one last time. Your memory will always live on. Love you xxx

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Claire Hawkins wrote

All these years I never knew you were an Irene!!! You will always be Auntie Joan to me... my fondest and earliest childhood memories are filled with you and Uncle Bert... my first holiday, my first look at the seaside holding Uncle Bert’s hand and of course your budgies in your kitchen in Hayes. Me, Pete, the girls and of course mum and dad miss you dreadfully. We loved you so much and although we know you’re now reunited with Uncle Bert we wish we could see you one last time. Your memory will always live on. Love you xxx

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Claire Hawkins wrote

All these years I never knew you were an Irene!!! You will always be Auntie Joan to me... my fondest and earliest childhood memories are filled with you and Uncle Bert... my first holiday, my first look at the seaside holding Uncle Bert’s hand and of course your budgies in your kitchen in Hayes. Me, Pete, the girls and of course mum and dad miss you dreadfully. We loved you so much and although we know you’re now reunited with Uncle Bert we wish we could see you one last time. Your memory will always live on. Love you xxx

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John Weblin donated £20 in memory of Irene

RIP cousin Joan.

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Patricia Kelly is attending the funeral
Patricia Kelly lit a candle
Patricia Kelly wrote

You were a wonderful loving mother who brought us up to respect our elders, be polite and to care about other people. You were always there for us when we needed advice or a shoulder to cry on. I'm so glad that you are now free from pain and happily back in daddies arms once again.. I miss you and I love you today and always. RIP mummy. Xxx

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