Brother John
I looked up to you
We played, had fun
But you were the older one
So one day, things changed
They never stay the same
You left for pastures new
Got a degree and grew
Found a wife
Had kids
Settled down for an adult life
Years moved on
Things were strained
Though you tried
Things were just not right
I never felt welcome
That was so sad
A barrier became apparent
One that would never be bridged
However hard we tried
Mum and Dad
A bad word never to be said
They were our soul mates, our best friends
We thought their worlds would never end
But when they did
Ours changed forever
They were our anchor
Nothing would be the same ever
The years took their toll John
and now that you are gone
I want to say that I always loved you
It was just too hard to be apart
I thought you didn’t care
Because you weren’t aware
That as your family grew
We were not in tune
You tried to understand
Why I was so angry and upset
By your family and their actions
and filled with regret
It had to come to this
Your funeral without your SIS
I did not know
That you were ill
How could I?
I would have been there
To tell you that I really do care
But that was stolen from us Brother
Because I could not love any other
Like my dearest brother John
I wish I had known that your time was near
I could have been there to make amends for all those lost years
But apart we shall be
Say hello to Mum and Dad from me
We will meet again wherever that may be
I wish things could have been different
But I know that you understand me
And that you wanted me to know of your departing
At Ednaston near Mum and Dads tree xx
Love Always