Ingeborg Dora Reed (17 Jun 1928 - 18 Nov 2018)

Donate in memory of
Ingeborg DoraCancer Research UK

£125.00 + Gift Aid of £25.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (West Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
11th Dec 2018
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Wilford Hill Crematorium (West Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
11th Dec 2018


In loving memory of Ingeborg Dora Reed who sadly passed away on 18th November 2018, aged 90 years.

Margaret Reed wrote

Well mum it's Christmas Eve as you always told me the most special part of Christmas .. where ever you are enjoy ...we miss you don't forget us ... Margaret and Alex 🐞xx

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Melvyn Jones donated £50 in memory of Ingeborg
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Offline donation: Retiring Collection at Wilford Hill Crematorium donated in memory of Ingeborg
Melvyn Jones donated £50 in memory of Ingeborg

We had some laughs over the years which will stay with me forever.
Rest in peace "Gran"xx

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Melvyn Jones wrote

We had some laughs over the years which will live with me forever.
Rest in peace "Gran"xx

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Melvyn Jones wrote

We had some great times and laughs over the years. You will be sorely missed for your kindness and humour.
"Game of Knowledge" at xmas will stay with me forever!
Rest in Peace. xx

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Monica Jones lit a candle
Margaret Reed lit a candle
Joanna Widdowson lit a candle