Roderick Adrian William "Rod" Marshall (15 Nov 1945 - 5 Nov 2018)

Donate in memory of
RoderickNottingham University Hospitals Charity

£200.00 + Gift Aid of £12.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

23rd Nov 2018
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In loving memory of Roderick Adrian William "Rod" Marshall who sadly passed away on 5th November 2018

Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Roderick
Christopher Belton wrote

Rod was a great boss and a true inspiration to me on how to live life to the full!

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Christopher Belton donated £10.65 in memory of Roderick
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Offline donation: Linda Titmuss donated in memory of Roderick
Offline donation: Rita Marshall donated in memory of Roderick
Offline donation: Han & Amanda V.R? donated in memory of Roderick
Odette & John Bonham donated in memory of Roderick

A valued colleague and friend who enjoyed life to the full at a fast pace. Rod's last journey was far too soon. Such a shock. Our condolences to Rita, Ian and his family.

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Bill & Maureen Wood is attending the funeral
Bill & Maureen Wood wrote

What a shock to hear of Rods passing. Our sincere condolences and thoughts to Rita and family.

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Geoff Allen wrote

Such sad news. I remember Rod as a true gentleman with a great sense of humour. My thoughts go to his family at this very sad time.

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Roy and Shirley Westerman wrote

We had a some good times together. A talented colleague and friend.
Our heartfelt condolences to Rita and her family

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  • This is late as I only heard today. My thoughts are with his family, a lovely man. Marie Dowling

    Posted by Marie on 6/12/2018 Report abuse
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Roy and Shirley Westerman is attending the funeral and the reception