Kathleen Alice Mary Tilley (4 Dec 1926 - 1 Nov 2018)

Donate in memory of
Kathleen Alice Mary Oxfam GB

£92.00 + Gift Aid of £12.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Main Street Methodist Church Carlton Road Nottingham NG4 1EE
19th Nov 2018
Open map

Gedling Crematorium Catfoot Lane Gedling NG4 4QH
19th Nov 2018


In loving memory of Kathleen Alice Mary Tilley who sadly passed away on 1st November 2018 aged 91 years.

Christine Fitzmaurice wrote

Kathleen had been a lifelong friend of my Mum,Margaret Viles,sadly Mum passed away in 2017,having had dementia for 7 years,I have fond memories of Kathleen,will be sadly missed x

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Christine Fitzmaurice lit a candle
Elizabeth Wilson-Smith wrote

Miss Tilley was a very influential teacher for me. The fond memories of her at Brincliffe school have stayed with me and I was sorry to miss her funeral. I’m glad she had a long life.

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Beryl Pratley donated in memory of Kathleen

I was very sorry to miss Kathleen's funeral, as I have much to thank her for. She was my English teacher at Brincliffe School, and a totally dedicated teacher. If it hadn't been for her, I should never have gone to University. This step began an interesting and varied career which took me to places my 11 year old self never dreamed of.

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Offline donation: Retiring collection donated in memory of Kathleen
Offline donation: Mrs J Redpath donated in memory of Kathleen