David William Odell (16 Oct 1973 - 27 Sep 2018)

Donate in memory of

£228.92 + Gift Aid of £2.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
26th Oct 2018
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In loving memory of David William Odell who sadly passed away on 27th September 2018

David's funeral will take place at 3.20pm on Friday 26th October at Wilford Hill Crematorium, Loughborough Rd, Nottingham NG2 7FE. Everyone is welcome, please let us know if you are attending by clicking ‘Attend Funeral’ below. There will be a reception following the service and details will be given on the day.

Family flowers only please. If you would like to make a donation to the charity ‘Mind’ in David's name please do so here or copy and paste the following link to avoid any middle-man charges: www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/donate-or-fundraise/giving-in-memory/


David I only just found out a short time ago that you passed away.
Just so very sad.
We both needed so much more than CH had to offer or those dreadful meetings.
Mate just so very sad.
RIP mate

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Offline donation: Friends on Westerham Road donated in memory of David
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of David
maureen dickens wrote

no words can say how sorry we all are to hear the sad news about del such a lovely lad and he will be missed by so many.sleep tite Maureen john steven mark,xxx

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maureen dickens wrote

no words can say how sorry we all are to hear the sad news about del such a lovely lad and he will be missed by so many.sleep tite Maureen john steven mark,xxx

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Maureen Dickens is attending the funeral
Becky Wood wrote

David mate, so many lovely and funny memories you have shared just so sad you don’t get to read them. You’re a truly unique person, witty, cheeky, caring and a damn fine human. Still convinced you are liberal at heart.... and fair play to you working with a load of hippies and sitting between two hormonal pregnant women, you made me and Sand laugh lots! Appreciate the support you gave me too. I will miss you mate. Hope the sun shines for you today and you are in a better place for you. Take care love Becky (and Huey) xx

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Marc Borja wrote

I remember our friendship starting when I was sat on a feeezing pavement begging in Nottingham nearly 20’years ago. Your kindness, open mindedness and our friendship continued ever since that day. I’m so pleased we caught up for laughs this summer. I am sincere in saying that my world has felt different since you died. I’m gutted beyond words and have said my goodbye in the early hours of today by watching one of those atrocious films your raved about and laughing at some of the pranks you did. I know you’re a fellow staunch non-believer but I’m laughing to myself imagining we got it all wrong and that you are now at the pearly gates of heaven waiting to get in :-)

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  • Only just seen these MSG's, kind words mark, David would be very proud of Ella right now she's just started her A levels and is a freaking star, couldn't ask for more from a child at her age, hope your well xx

    Posted by Glenda on 27/09/2021 Report abuse
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Alex Hodgson donated £30 in memory of David
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Alex Hodgson is attending the funeral and the reception
Angus Claydon donated £10.65 in memory of David
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Angus Claydon is attending the funeral and the reception
Adam Ridler is attending the funeral and the reception
Adam Ridler posted a picture
Cyprus 2013 when you got turned over by the fruit seller for about £15 worth of moldy plums - I’ll miss our random texts & jokes and hope to be at the premier of Titanic 3 . The book you sent was a blessing - Thankyou mate ❤️

Cyprus 2013 when you got turned over by the fruit seller for about £15 worth of moldy plums - I’ll miss our random texts & jokes and hope to be at the premier of Titanic 3 . The book you sent was a blessing - Thankyou mate ❤️

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Chantal Enders is attending the funeral and the reception
Kathryn Smith is attending the funeral and the reception
Elena D'Orso is attending the funeral and the reception
Darren Maciag wrote

I will never forget the times we had throughout the years. Sneaking into showcase cinemas, work experience at N&C comic shop and even working at the same place in Oxford just to name a few. There were many heated discussions about a wide range of issues as you had an amazing intelligence and amusing perspective of the world. Though it is the belly aching laughs we had mate, which I will remember. These laughs, along with every ‘Half man half biscuit’ and ‘Can’ music album you gave me, I will cherish them. I wonder who has seen Evil Dead 2 more times ☺. Many others and myself will undoubtedly miss you and while this is sad it has been a pleasure to know you Dave.

Nam Myo Renge Kyo

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  • It as so great to see you today Darren and hear you are doing well. I would love to drop by one day as I love your part of the country. Keep in touch anna.odell@gmail.com

    Posted by Anna on 26/10/2018 Report abuse
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Ady Burnett is attending the funeral
Darren Maciag wrote

I will never forget the times we had throughout the years. Sneaking into showcase cinemas, work experience at N&C comic shop and even working at the same place in Oxford just to name a few. There were many heated discussions about a wide range of issues as you had an amazing intelligence and amusing perspective of the world. Though it is the belly aching laughs we had mate, which I will remember. These laughs, along with every ‘Half man half biscuit’ and ‘Can’ music album you gave me, I will cherish them. I wonder who has seen Evil Dead 2 more times ☺. Many others and myself will undoubtedly miss you and while this is sad it has been a pleasure to know you Dave.

Nam Myo Renge Kyo

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Robert Doran is attending the funeral and the reception
Robert Doran wrote

So so shocked and saddened to hear the awful news of one of my oldest pals, so many memories that will always be treasured Del, Gotham woods, overnight stays in Nobbys Hotel, Rooms No 9 and No 7?, Ravs on the Ave, Evil Dead 2, and endless film talks and banter, I remember you coming into the old Fine Fare on the Ave in W/Bridgford, the first job I ever had as a part time shelf stakker, only to find you've wandered in from all the lads on the Ave to pour a whole container of laundry liquid detergent on the floor, Pi**ing yourself laughing cause you knew I'd have to clean it up, Typically Del behavior, I couldn't believe it, but you still made me laugh at the time Del. All the good and bad times we had shared with so many of the old crowd, Treasured regardless....I hope you have now found the peace you were looking for Del. Thoughts are with you and all your family and endless friends you made along your journey. Rest in Peace now Del mate xx Rob

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  • This is so lovely Rob. Ravs on the Avs! You take care. Xx

    Posted by Anna on 26/10/2018 Report abuse
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Christopher Tansley wrote

Many memories growing up, walking to school, park life, railway lines building a base or two, biking round the block. Rest well mate, we’ll catch up on the other side x

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  • Lovely to see you and the family. It really meant a lot. X

    Posted by Anna on 26/10/2018 Report abuse
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Christopher Tansley is attending the funeral and the reception
Louise Diffey wrote

David, without your very direct style of advice, I wouldn't have begun climbing and I wouldn't be doing the counselling course you dared me not to talk myself out of. I'll miss my mate and life definitely won't be as funny, Louise x

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Adam Carlton is attending the funeral and the reception
Paul Palmer is attending the funeral and the reception
Adrian Wakelin posted a picture
Del and Jon F, Alton Towers 1993.

Del and Jon F, Alton Towers 1993.

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  • This is such a brilliant photo Adrian! I would love a hi-res version of the original. Along with any others you have and any stories. anna.odell@gmail.com xx

    Posted by Anna on 22/10/2018 Report abuse
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Adrian Wakelin wrote

Del one of my longest mates you will be missed and have left a void in everyone’s life who knew you.

We shared many things growing up and you will forever be remembered for your unique sense of humor honed from watching Young Ones, Blackadder, Filty, Rich and Catflap, Bottom to name a few.

Your love of all films in particular horror films such as The Evil Dead II and Phantasm, I still have your Fangoria collection in my wardrobe.

You were a trend setter always one step ahead of the rest of us be it music, fashion and were not afraid to express yourself in a way to gain the shock effect or you were a daredevil always wanting to push the envelope that little bit further.

You were smart, witty, funny and one of the lads a one off who I will never forget and grateful for being one of your mates for all these years.

As Blackadder once said

“We’re in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun”

RIP Del x

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  • Lovely 😘

    Posted by Anna on 22/10/2018 Report abuse
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Claire Davidson wrote

Sleep peacefully David. I can't believe you're gone. I will always treasure the times we shared and will miss you forever.

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