Sheila Singleton (10 May 1952 - 31 Aug 2018)

Donate in memory of
SheilaNottingham University Hospitals Charity, Hayward House

£101.32 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
SheilaMacmillan Cancer Support

£115.32 + Gift Aid of £17.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (West Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
19th Sep 2018
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In loving memory of Sheila Singleton who sadly passed away on 31st August 2018.
Sheila Was born in Newcastle City Hospital. This event means that Sheila was a true Geordie. She was christened Sheila Ann Herron (without the E in Ann) her dad told her he could not afford an "E".
She lived at 14 Boland road,Lyne Mouth, and then 19 Market Square Ashington until she moved down to Nottingham in October 1969 with her parents.Her bother Robert had moved down to Nottingham in 1968 and was working at his Aunties shop CPS lighting on Canal Street in Nottingham. I also worked on Canal Street as an Apprentice motor mechanic and we used to frequent the Maid Marian Cafe at dinner times to play the Pinball machine.Then one day Rob came into the cafe with this lovely tall young lady who had just stated work in the shop and at first I thought it was his girl friend!I was wrong .Now me being shy (and I was) could not dare expect her to be interested in me or me to have courage to ask her out! So about two weeks before Christmas, time to give out all the cards to people in the cafe and one comes my way from Sheila I opened it and it said " with LOTS of love to you only" under lined.Oh er, do you fancy going out for a drink with me? of course she said Ive been giving you hints for weeks. So 19th Dec 1969 started our life time together.
We were married on the 28 Oct 1972 at the Nottingham register office .We were waiting for our new build house to be finished in the December costing £4400 and we moved in the week before Christmas.Not much furniture and most of it was second hand. Our daughter Lesley was born 4th Oct 1974 and Stuart took a bit longer to be made and he was born 17 Dec 1977 he did not want to come out so they induced Sheila.We have four fantastic grand children Ellen ,Connor,Rebecca and Ethan who were able to see Sheila and make her day the before she died .We have had a fantastic times together and also like every body else downs as well.She loved her caravan and we went to France with the new van.We have been up to Scotland,Wales,Somerset,Cromer but Whitby was her favourite place and Hayward House Hospital managed to get her pain under control and we had a week around Whitby in the van.She managed to walk down AND up Robin hoods bay hill.Sheila gave me a cuddle the day before she died and told me she loved me.That lovely memory will help me through.
Her Mum passed away on thr 22nd July 2016 and her dad died on 31st Dec 2016 and it was a very sad year for the family.
Sheila was diagnosed with long cancer in January 2016 and that was the darkest day of our lives. You take it one day at a time and tell them how much you love them and hope you can be there to help them through. Sleep tight no more pain for you my love but for me it carries on.

Love you loads Singo XXX


Stuart Herron wrote

Hi....Iam Stuart Herron originally from Lynemouth...Sheila (named after my Mum I think) and Robert were my cousins....their dad Bob being one of my Dads Dad was Archie.

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Offline donation: The Grumpy Club donated in memory of Sheila
Offline donation: Edna & Family donated in memory of Sheila
Offline donation: Edna & Family donated in memory of Sheila
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Sheila
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Sheila
Colin Singleton donated £50 in memory of Sheila

Thank you for all your support.

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Richard and Chantelle Bell donated £20 in memory of Sheila

We're so sorry to hear the sad news about Sheila and our hearts go out to you Colin, Lesley, Stuart and the rest of the family.

You're in our thoughts and we hope that your happy memories together will bring you comfort during this difficult time.

With love from Richard, Chantelle and Henry Bell xxx

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Diane Crouch lit a candle
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July 2018 whitby x

July 2018 whitby x

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  • That's my uncle Bob !! Stuart Herron

    Posted by Stuart on 24/07/2020 Report abuse
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