Edwina Redmayne (8 May 1921 - 7 Jan 2015)
In loving memory of the late Edwina Redmayne who sadly passed away on 7th January 2015
Born in 1921, Edwina was brought up in Preston and known as Babs all through and way beyond childhood. Her Mum kept a boarding house mainly for foreign students, but also some business men such as the manager of Woolworths, Mr Horsefall, referred to as Mr Donkey Tumble.
As children, we were told many stories: of the Russsian who threw the clock through the window; ,of Mr Advani who watched the sunset every night as he never saw dusk in India; and the German who went on skis to work in the morning and carried them home at night because it had thawed.
She met my Dad through her school friend Lena when she went to visit her father's farm. Eventually he asked her out and they regularly went to the pictures.
When Edwina was 16 her mother suffered a stroke and this left her running the house for 9 years, with twelve men requiring breakfast ,dinner and supper with a little help from her sister Alice.
She married Leonard in 1946, two weeks after her mother died, and then they moved into the farm in May 1947 in the big snow.
Lena was born in August 1947 and Kathryn in February 1950
We didn't have holidays but we had memorable days out, to the zoo ,to the Lakes, Wales, Yorkshire.... hard to believe at 30mph and no motorways that we could set off after milking with the picnic and the little kettle.
Mum helped with the farm work and took pride in a clean and tidy house. She changed her clothes every evening after milking and put her lipstick on.
Mum played the piano beautifully. which we loved but after my dad died in September 1962 she didn't really have the same enthusiasm.
We sold the farm and moved to a large house thinking my father would need a room downstairs and take in boarders, but he died before we moved . He was 39 and my Mum was 41. It was her strength which kept her going for Lena and myself.
Lena married in 1968 and the birth of the children Jonathan and Judith gave her new life.
She moved to Parbold in 1977 to be close to Lena and her family and made a new life there. Derby was too far for a quick visit and so she stayed for a few weeks at a time and this helped to get to know Nicholas and Ruth.
Her accident happened on Dick's 60th birthday, April 2002. With electric shock on the pavement she survived, but the following day it was discovered that her arms and hands were paralysed. After life threatening operations she went on to recover at Ormskirk and then on to Southport for physiotherapy until she regained movement.
Eight months later Edwina arrived at Moorlands in time for Christmas.
She tended to prefer her own company, but enjoyed trips in the car as she was able to manoeuver into the seat. She read ,watched TV and enjoyed the company of the carers.
With the birth of the Great-grandchildren in Australia and then Pacey here she had a new lease of life.
Over the past years she fought off so many infections that we really didn't believe this last illness was any different. but at 93 perhaps she was entitled to finally give in.