Christoforos Philippides (16 Aug 1966 - 28 Jul 2018)

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Funeral Director

The Greek Orthodox Church 184 Derby Road Nottingham NG7 1NF
13th Aug 2018
Open map

Carlton Cemetery Cavendish Road Nottingham NG4 3EF
13th Aug 2018


In loving memory of Christoforos Philippides, a father, son, brother and friend. Who sadly passed away on Saturday 28th July 2018.

All family and friends, or those who knew Chris are welcome to the funeral. Please let us know if you can make it. Instead of flowers, we kindly ask donations to be made. We have yet to choose the charity.

What can we say about Chris....

Having left school with barely any qualifications, Chris worked hard to carve out a fanatastic career in IT, which he was so proud of and dedicated himself to his work. He always showed off how great he was at his job and how he was better than everyone else!

Chris could be quiet and reflective but when in high spirits he was the life and soul of the room making a huge amount of noise and disruption, and was sure to cause chaos!

Even though he lived in Nottingham for many years he was proud of being a Londoner and proud of being a Greek Cypriot. He loved everything Greek and going to Cyprus to see his family and exploring the island. He thought he could speak Greek well, so we all just went along with it!

Chris was a kind soul and loved his kids and family immensely and he leaves a big gap in all our lives.

May he Rest In Peace now and we hope he looks down at us every so often to see how much he will be missed xxx

Maro & Kyriacos. Loizou wrote

May you Rest In Peace

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Maro & Kyriacos. Loizou wrote

A 50 Pounds donation

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Ioannis GEORGIOU wrote

We think about all the family. We keep the memory of Chris in our heart.With love, Marie-Rose and Ioannis

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Effie Michailidou is attending the funeral
Angie Chambers wrote

You will be sorely missed my darling. Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends. 🙏

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Angie Chambers posted a picture
Love you Chris.  RIP my sweetheart xxx

Love you Chris. RIP my sweetheart xxx

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Angie Chambers is attending the funeral and the reception
Androulla Hanna lit a candle
Yvonne, Tracy and Debra posted a picture
From Master Richard Hudson. Chris will be remembered with the utmost respect by everyone at KickFit Martial Arts.

From Master Richard Hudson. Chris will be remembered with the utmost respect by everyone at KickFit Martial Arts.

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Yvonne, Tracy and Debra posted a picture
Courtesy of Master Richard Hudson. Chris with Grandmaster Sifu Richard Bustillo, one of Bruce Lee's original students.

Courtesy of Master Richard Hudson. Chris with Grandmaster Sifu Richard Bustillo, one of Bruce Lee's original students.

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Yvonne, Tracy and Debra posted a picture
Courtesy of Master Richard Hudson

Courtesy of Master Richard Hudson

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Yvonne, Tracy and Debra is attending the funeral and the reception
Tracy James lit a candle
Tracy James wrote

I am truly saddened that Chris is no longer in our world and am grateful to have had the opportunity to say goodbye to him in hospital.
I trained in martial arts with Chris for many, many years and I can clearly hear his words of encouragement to me and clearly remember him working hard to improve his own skills and also those of us around him.
I remember his smile and his laughter but most of all I remember how easy it was just to spend time with him. Chris always had something to say - he always had a point to make or an opinion to express. Life was never dull with Chris.
Forever in my thoughts - Tracy James

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Caroline Robson lit a candle
Paul Fowkes wrote

Chris and I worked together for many years at Imtec. I think we we both lived to work and worked to live at that time. I like to think I am competitive but Chris was ultra competitive in everything he did and always wanted to be the best he could be, what a great attitude in life.
As the text above points out sometimes Chris could be quite serious and intense but at other times he was very funny also and I can still remember some of the lines he came out with that still make me chuckle. We also socialised quite a bit too and I have some very funny (some a little scary at the time) memories also.
Gone too soon, too young, Christos the Greek but our memories of the good times together will live on.
RIP my friend

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  • Paul I’m Beki, Gillian Chown’s daughter. Mum has just found out about this and is really sad. How can she get in touch to talk to someone about Chris? X

    Posted by Beki on 30/10/2018 Report abuse
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Yvonne Kidd is attending the funeral
Yvonne Kidd lit a candle
Sam Mabrouk lit a candle
Michelle Kempster lit a candle
Matt Belsten wrote

So Sorry to hear the sad news.

I had a client who over many years made it clear that they did business with Océ (Now Canon) purely because of Chris.

Chris was a character indeed, I always found his directness refreshing.

My condolences to his Family and friends. He is missed by those who knew him at Océ/Canon.

Kindest Regards,

Matt Belsten

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Tony Erotokritou wrote

My brother Chris your presence will be missed by all ... you leave behind you two lovely children in Louis and Eva who are a credit too you

For me you were the closest thing I had to a brother we shared many happy times together , from making bbq together to sinking RAV4 s in a swamp in Cyprus
And getting in to fights with locals in Cyprus

You will always be my brother regardless and as Louis god father I promise you I will look out for him in your place .

Rest in peace brother

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Marianna Erotokritou lit a candle
Marianna Erotokritou wrote

You were a great and loving uncle, always laughing and always joking around. From memories in Cyprus to memories in Nottingham we definitely aren’t short of them. You were a great help whilst I was at university in Nottingham, picking me up from work, bringing and cooking me food.

You will truly be missed by everyone but now you will rest in peace and be watching us all.

Lots of love

Marianna x

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Graham Lennon is attending the funeral and the reception
Tony Erotokritou posted a picture
The Greek Robert de Niro ... always be my bro ... rest in peace brother

The Greek Robert de Niro ... always be my bro ... rest in peace brother

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Maria Erotokritou posted a picture
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Maria Erotokritou posted a picture


  • What a wonderful picture. xxx

    Posted by Graham on 2/08/2018 Report abuse
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Maria Erotokritou posted a picture
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Maria Erotokritou posted a picture


  • Chris when he was on form with his life was one of my best students and from teaching him Bruce Lee's Jun fan Jeet Kune Do. Muay Thai. MMA.Filipino Martial Arts Eskrima Kali Arnis snd Pentack Silat for many years because a very good friend and I will sorely miss him!!. He leaves a very big hole in my life and we had unfinished Monkey Business,comparede and training together!. I snd Jennifer will be there on Monday to give you a Warriors send off and Salute you my friend. Rest in peace Sifu/Master Richard Hudson

    Posted by Richard on 9/08/2018 Report abuse
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