Edna Chantrey (23 Jun 1928 - 3 Apr 2018)

Donate in memory of
EdnaGuide Dogs

£158.36 + Gift Aid of £10.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St John's Methodist Church Standhill Road Carlton NG4 1JT
20th Apr 2018
Open map

Gedling Crematorium Catfoot Lane Gedling NG4 4QH
20th Apr 2018


In loving memory of Edna Chantrey who sadly passed away on 3rd April 2018

Offline donation: Mr R Williams donated in memory of Edna
Offline donation: Retiring collection donated in memory of Edna
Tahnee Coleman wrote

Thankyou for being such a wonderful Nana and for sharing your love, grace and poise with us all. May you find peace reunited with Dada, and may all the dogs in Heaven come rushing to your side. I will love you always. “Nanight, God bless”.

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Tahnee Coleman wrote

Thankyou for being such a wonderful Nana and for sharing your love, grace and poise with us all. May you find peace reunited with Dada, and may all the dogs in Heaven come rushing to your side. I will love you always. “Nanight, God bless”.

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Kim Keirnan donated £20 in memory of Edna
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Kim Keirnan wrote

In memory of mum. For all the Labradors we have loved and said goodbye to, and in support of those who are waiting for a special dog of their own.

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Kim Keirnan wrote

When I was little and you came to meet me at the Infant School gates, you always laughed when I asked you to kiss me through the railings, but without hesitation, you always did. And throughout my life you have continued to be there for me, to meet me with whatever I needed.
You have been my moral guide, my mentor, my staunchest ally and confidante. Above all, you have been my lovely mum and the most wonderful nana to Bethany and Tahnee. You gave us your time, your interest and your love - the most precious of gifts - and our family has a wealth of memories to treasure.
I pray that when my time comes, and if I’m fortunate enough to make it to the Pearly Gates, you will be there to meet me … waiting to kiss me through the railings.
For everything Mum, I thank you with all my heart. My love always. Kim xxx

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Karen Chantrey Wood donated £21 in memory of Edna

Dearest Mum, for every dog you owned or knew or even met, that gave you such enjoyment and happiness...a little something to share that love a bit further.

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