Barbara Mary Searcy (18 Jun 1941 - 21 Jan 2018)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium West Chapel Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
22nd Feb 2018
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In loving memory of Barbara Mary Searcy who sadly passed away on 21st January 2018

Hannah Hesketh posted a picture
Barbara (Right) and son Jamie (Left)

Barbara (Right) and son Jamie (Left)

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Hannah Hesketh wrote

To my Nanny Barbara,

You are so loved. Thank you for the memories and for being a part of our lives. I still can't believe you are no longer here but I am certain you are in a better and happier place, free of pain and at peace. Be free!

Thinking of you and hope that you will watch over us, especially Dad.

Love you forever. Until we meet again, your Granddaughter, Hannah xx

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