Martin Vincent Keane (10 Jan 1925 - 30 Jan 2018)

Funeral Director

Our Lady & St Paulinus RC Church Cemetery Road Dewsbury WF13 2SE
9th Feb 2018
Open map

Middlestown Cemetery Overton Wakefield
9th Feb 2018


In loving memory of Martin Vincent Keane who sadly passed away on 30th January 2018

Margaret Watson lit a candle
Joshua Whitaker wrote

3 years have passed but I still miss you everyday, Grandad.

Love always, Joshua x

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Andrew and Emma Watson lit a candle
Andrew and Emma Watson wrote

Those you love never go away, they walk along side us every day.

We will always cherish the memories you helped us create and we will continue to talk about those memories we shared together.

We love and will miss you always Grandad. Rest In Peace
Andrew, Emma, Abbie and Theo xxxx

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Christopher Watson wrote

Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you, until we meet again. Rest in peace Grandad xxx

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Anne-Marie Edwards lit a candle
Tom O’Hara wrote

Many thoughts come flooding back , all of them good and thinking of them are making me smile as I write this. Times that maybe we well all have again. I pray that what we are taught through our faith we will all meet again.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, but I know Uncle Martin will be with you and will always be in your heart
May He Rest in Peace

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Joshua Keane wrote

I didn’t have a standard up bringing; I was raised by my mum in my grandparents houses. This, in my eyes, meant I had 5 parents and my Grandad Keane was, therefore, one of my Dads.

I spent time with him nearly everyday up until I was 14. I would come home after school and we would watch cartoons sat in front of the fire together.

Over the past year I had the opportunity to help look after my grandad whilst his health and mobility declined. In the early days it wasn’t easy but by the back end we had a routine together and he allowed himself to be comfortable with receiving my care. My grandad trusted me. By doing this he taught me to have faith in myself and he made me feel like I had worth. We looked forward to seeing each other and he always wore a smile for me.

I feel an overwhelming need to explain to the world how thankful I am. I’m thankful for having a grandad who treated me like his own son. I’m thankful for the fact the past year has given me a mind full of memories that I can treasure and look back on. Mostly, I’m thankful to be full of pride at being your grandson.

One of the last clear, coherent things you said to me was “Hello, Josh” and that was all I needed. For you to see me and acknowledge me right there with you.

I hope you left some of yourself behind because I think you’ve taken a bit of me with you, grandad.

No, I didn’t have a standard up bringing; I was raised by my mum in my grandparents houses. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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Eileen OHara wrote

RIP Uncle Martin...You are with all family that has gone before us and I know you are happy. Please give my mom a kiss for me... God Bless you all.

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Tom and Nicci Keane wrote

Love you Dad, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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Abbie Cooper wrote

Dear grandad ,rest in peace and I will miss you so so much love you loads from Abbiemai xx❤️

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Margaret Watson wrote

Goodnight and Godbless Dad ❤️ Xx

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Patricia Rush wrote

Rest in peace , dear Brother, I'm sure Mam, Dad and all our departed family were waiting to welcome you to your Heavenly home. Pray for all you've left behind and we,ll remember you always . Loving sister Patricia, Laurence and family .

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ken moran wrote

Rest in peace Martin from your loving sister Nancy and family

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