Edgar Pepper (12 Sep 1921 - 26 Jan 2018)

Donate in memory of
EdgarRNIB - Royal National Institute of Blind People

£332.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Mary the Virgin, Church Church Hill Plumtree NG12 5ND
9th Feb 2018
Open map

Wilford Hill Crematorium Loughborough Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 7FE
9th Feb 2018


In loving memory of Edgar Pepper who sadly passed away on 26th January 2018

Offline donation: D A Burgess donated in memory of Edgar
Offline donation: Mr M and Mrs Y J Shorten donated in memory of Edgar
Offline donation: Mrs B J Read donated in memory of Edgar
Offline donation: Mr Clifford Gillott donated in memory of Edgar
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Edgar
Offline donation: Maureen Knight donated in memory of Edgar
Kelly Seaman wrote

Dear Lord. Please give my grandpa a great big hug. R.l.P grandpa. You will be dearly missed by us all. You were very special and never forgotten. God has another angel. Lots of love granddaughter Kelly and greatgrandson troy xxxx

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Kelly Seaman lit a candle
Richard Harrison wrote

Clifton Village Cricket Club send their condolences to Mabel and the rest of her family at this very sad time. Edgar, our current President, was an outstandingly gifted cricketer and a loyal servant to the Club for over 75 years. The Club were truly honoured.

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Richard Harrison posted a picture
Edgar Pepper - Clifton Village CC 1949

Edgar Pepper - Clifton Village CC 1949

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  • My beautiful grandpa. You are sadley missed by all your family. Lots of love granddaughter Kelly x

    Posted by Kelly on 5/02/2018 Report abuse
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