Professor Richard Geoffrey Burwell (1 Jul 1928 - 7 Jan 2018)

Donate in memory of
ProfessorAction Medical Research

£305.00 + Gift Aid of £37.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

24th Jan 2018
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In loving memory of Professor Richard Geoffrey Burwell who sadly passed away on 7th January 2018

Lyndon Cochrane wrote

I am so sorry to hear that Geoffrey has died. I assisted him with many of his scientific posters and graphics over many years. He was an absolute dedicated professional and a perfectionist in all that he did. Geoffrey was also a kind and thoughtful man of great intellect on many levels. He will be greatly missed.

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Roland Pratt donated £150 in memory of Professor

So sorry to hear Geoffrey has died. He was an inspirational researcher, mentor and friend with always a questioning mind. He is much missed.

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Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Professor
Rupert Bear wrote

Sorry to read that Geoffrey has died. I remember the many happy days working with him on tribunals, when, in exchange for me explaining the intricacies of welfare law, he thrilled at teaching me all about arthritis.

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  • I'm an interloper, I'm afraid, but sorry to hear of the death of such an eminent clinician and researcher .. I became intrigued seeing a large quantity of medical and scientific books at the local auctioneers this afternoon - a number of familiar volumes I possess myself - and I could not resist the urge to find out a bit more about the owner of such a library. [ Incidentally, Rupert, we have met, in the distant past, at Fletcher Gate - and kind regards to you. Condolences to Professor Burwell's family. Michel Flor-Henry, Nottingham

    Posted by Michel on 31/08/2018 Report abuse
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Theodoros B. Grivas wrote

Wormest condolence to our teacher and friend.

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