Patricia Simpson (16 Jul 1935 - 2 Jan 2018)

Donate in memory of
PatriciaChildren with Cancer UK

£338.75 + Gift Aid of £12.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Leonards Church Wollaton Road Nottingham NG8 2AF
19th Jan 2018
Open map

Bramcote Crematorium Reflection chapel Coventry Lane Bramcote NG9 3GJ
19th Jan 2018


In loving memory of Patricia Simpson who sadly passed away on 2nd January 2018

Offline donation: Dorothy lourie donated in memory of Patricia
Offline donation: D Weston donated in memory of Patricia
jayne keeling wrote

Rest in peace Pat you was such a lovely charector and we miss you all the carers at clifton view care home xx

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jayne keelung lit a candle
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Patricia
Offline donation: Janice & Tim Jones donated in memory of Patricia
Offline donation: Joan Best donated in memory of Patricia
Offline donation: Ian & Jill Best donated in memory of Patricia
Ian & Jill Best wrote

Fond memories of a lovely lady . You will be sadly missed xxx

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Ian & Jill Best lit a candle
Jackie Finnegan wrote

In memory of a lovely caring lady and godmother xx

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Jackie Finnegan posted a picture
Pat and Joan lifelong friends xx

Pat and Joan lifelong friends xx

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Jackie Finnegan lit a candle
Jackie Finnegan wrote

Lovely memories of Aunty Pat a lovely kind lady who will be greatly missed. You gave me a lifelong love of musicals when you used to take me to the theatre as a child, fondest thoughts all my love goddaughter Jackie xx

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Margaret Maloney lit a candle
Margaret Maloney donated £50 in memory of Patricia

Many fond memories over many years, I will miss you.

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Sara Turner lit a candle