Anna Bywater (21 Oct 1941 - 16 Dec 2017)

Funeral Director

The Sacred Heart Church 99 Carlton Hill Nottingham NG4 1FP
9th Jan 2018
Open map

Wilford Hill Cemetery Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
9th Jan 2018


In loving memory of Anna Bywater who sadly passed away on 16th December 2017

Maggie Mcneill wrote

Mum it's getting closer now to the time I have to say goodby don't think I can cope with not seeing you again our hearts are breaking 💔 I was always strong for you but who have I to look after now .I know you had to go & that you had had enough but we weren't ready for you to leave us yet we had so much more to do & to tell you so will start by saying it now I love you mum if I can be as good a mother as you have been to us then I'm doing ok I know you will be safe and happy with terry happy again look after Alex for me all my love Maggie xxx

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Anthony Payton lit a candle
Maggie Mcneill lit a candle
Maggie Mcneill wrote

I'm Free
Don't grieve for me , for
Now I'm free
I'm following the path
God has laid you see.
I took his hand when I
Heard him call
I turned my back and left
It all.

I could not stay another
To laugh,to love, to
Work,to play.
Tasks left undone must
Stay that way
I found that peace at the
Close of day.
If my parting has left a
Then fill it with
Remembered joy.
A friendship shared,a
Laugh,a kiss
Oh yes, these things I too
Will miss.
Be not burdened with
Times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine
Of tomorrow.
My life's been full,I
Savoured much
Good friends,good times,
A loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seemed
All to brief
Don't lengthen it now
With undo grief.

Lift up your hearts, and
Peace to thee
God wanted me now; He
Set me free.

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Ka Ren wrote

RIP Aunty Anna. Your star will be the brightest one shining. Love you always x

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Karen Boswell lit a candle
Marie Payton lit a candle
Christina Pratt wrote

Rest in peace Auntie Anna x x

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Rory Thompson lit a candle
Elizabeth Mccrudden lit a candle
Susan MCKENZIE lit a candle
Susan McKenzie wrote

So sad a lovely lady x
Condolences to all the family xxx

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kevin harrison lit a candle
Sue Bates lit a candle
Julie Lowe lit a candle
Robert Mcneill lit a candle
Margaret Edwards lit a candle
Bobby Mc crudden wrote

Rest in peace anna .say hi to all the family for me love love you .bobby and family

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Bobby Mc crudden lit a candle
Porky Harrison wrote

A mother in law in a million go out her way to make sure there was a meal on the table lots of laughs and Tears loved all her family and grandkids and great grandchild with all her heart door was always open no matter what time of day will remember the good old days will be sadly and dearly missed by us all it was so so sad to see you slipping away each day but you know we was all there because we loved you has much as we know you loved us so RIP Anna love you from your son in law porky and Daughter Anna Marie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxx

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Hannah Gardner lit a candle
Stephanie Harrison wrote

Nanna I broke down when you left us and there is always going to be a place in my heart which will be empty, I love you more than you will ever know but the memories we had together will live on with me forever he had some laughs nanna and cry’s but now your with grandad I know you will be happy I will look after your baby’s Elicia Lexi and Skyla Nanna I promise you that
Love you forever ❤️💜💖

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Stephanie Harrison lit a candle
Margaret McNeill posted a picture


  • My Dear Dear friend Anna never would i have thought i would be doing this we struggled together with our children we laughed we cried which i am doing now no shame in tears Anna i know you agree but did we laugh my dear friend oh we laughed we didnt need a lot love we was content with enough yes enough we lost touch a few times but never our dedicated friendship love NEVER XXXXyou have a beautiful family i hear you saying i know Sandra i know bless them all love i wont say goodbye my dear friend i will be us when younger i will see yer later Mcneil when its my time to follow you homeXXAnna i love you my friend as when we first met my Paul will have a drink waiting with a hugxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr RIPX

    Posted by Sandra on 5/01/2018 Report abuse
  • I love you my friend xxxxSandra Cameronxxxxx

    Posted by Sandra on 5/01/2018 Report abuse
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