Helen Brailsford (24 Jan 1951 - 1 Jan 2018)

Donate in memory of
HelenThe Smile Train

£771.10 + Gift Aid of £47.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Chuch of the Good Shepherd Thackerys Lane Woodthorpe Nottingham NG5 4HT
22nd Jan 2018
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In loving memory of Helen Brailsford who sadly passed away on 1st January 2018

Gemma HARRISON wrote

Thoughts and love are with you always.

Love Simon Gem, Max and Isla xx xx

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Gemma HARRISON donated in memory of Helen
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Marilyn and Caroline Redmile lit a candle
Marie Lake donated £20 in memory of Helen

In loving memory of a lovely lady. Thinking of you all.
Love Marie x

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Mandy Jimmison donated £20 in memory of Helen

With love to your family. To lose a soul as beautiful as yours is indeed a great loss. I shall think of you fondly and often xxx

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Offline donation: Roy Brailsford donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: The Bunting Family donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: PJ & Merg donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Eddie & Linda Bartles donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Mr & Mrs Surgey donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Doris, John, Hazel, Stan donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Helen
Emma Chambers donated £20 in memory of Helen

Our lovely, kind, warm neighbour. The children and I miss you very much, Helen.


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Margaret Clark posted a picture
Beautiful inside and out xx

Beautiful inside and out xx

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Margaret Clark donated in memory of Helen

Thank you for the wonderful memories and the joy you brought. Our love always - Your Maggie, Crispin, Neve and Fleur XXXX

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Margaret Clark wrote

Thank you for the memories and the joy you gave, love you and always will -
Your Maggie, Crispin, Neve and Fleur XXXX

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Jane Dore donated £20 in memory of Helen
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Glenys Patmore donated in memory of Helen

Precious memories always

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Martin Brailsford donated in memory of Helen

Just like mum, always thinking of others. Thank you for everything, you will be always missed. Martin and Michelle

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Yvonne Kidd donated in memory of Helen

With love always. xxx

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Dawn & Andy Stevens donated £20 in memory of Helen

I met Helen for the first time on Michelle's Hen do , with her bubbly ,funny ,caring way I could see that Michelle had found herself a very special Mothering Law. We had such fun that weekend . So sorry to hear the sad news .RIP Helen. Aunty Dawny & Andy x

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Tricia Prout donated £20 in memory of Helen

Since the marriage of our children made our families as one we've shared so many happy memories though thought we were just having fun The last time we were together you said to me "keep an eye on them all gal" and I promise I'll do my best but pretty sure you'll be the brightest star 'keeping an eye on them all' Helen my sweet friend RIP with all our love Tricia & Steve xxxx

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Tricia Prout wrote

Since the marriage of our children made our families as one We've made some very special memories although thought we were just having fun Will miss you sweet lady, such a kind heart taken far to soon The last time we were together you said to me "keep an eye on them all gal" and I promise you I'll do my best but pretty sure you'll be the brightest star looking down 'keeping an eye on them all my lovely' RIP sweet Helen our friend xxx Love Tricia & Steve xxx

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Rob Brailsford posted a picture
Lovely photo at Tom and Gladys 65th Wedding Anniversary.

Lovely photo at Tom and Gladys 65th Wedding Anniversary.

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Rob Brailsford donated £20 in memory of Helen

Our thoughts are with at this difficult time, Cousin Rob, Kate and family

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Sonja Reddy wrote

So sorry. I'll miss you Helen. xxx

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Rachael Boyce donated £20 in memory of Helen

To Margaret, Martin and Dave - so sorry to hear that Helen has passed away. May she rest in peace. Love and prayers, Rachael, Eva and Sam xxx

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Peter Lane donated £20 in memory of Helen

So sorry to learn of the passing of dear Helen, our thoughts are with Roy, Martin, Margaret & family at this sad time. We treasure the many happy times we spent with you all. Our sincere condoleces.

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  • Sorry, Our sincere condolences xxx Pete & Sue

    Posted by Peter on 8/01/2018 Report abuse
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Debi Tomlinson-Sadler lit a candle
Debi Tomlinson-Sadler wrote

Another star 🌟 shines in the sky at night
Miss you “Ma” god bless
Debi and Chris xx

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