George Beverly Smalley (11 Oct 1946 - 20 Dec 2017)

Donate in memory of
George BeverlyThe PSP Association

£748.00 + Gift Aid of £35.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Leonards Church Wollaton Road Nottingham NG8 2AF
5th Jan 2018
Open map

Bramcote Crematorium Reflection chapel Coventry Lane Bramcote NG9 3GJ
5th Jan 2018

The Admiral Rodney Wollaton Road Nottingham NG8 2AF
5th Jan 2018


In loving memory of George Beverly Smalley who sadly passed away on 20th December 2017

Belinda Elliott Dawes donated £20 in memory of George

I would like to donate £20 in memory of Bev.

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Belinda Elliott Dawes wrote

I have only just discovered that Bev has passed away. I worked next door to where he worked at NatWest back in the 1970's. He was so friendly and we would have lunch together occasionally at the local pub. I adored him! I wish I could have kept in touch, but he was moved to Corby I believe. It was a pleasure to have known him, I wonder if he ever thought of me? I send my belated condolences to his family. Bless you Bev, sweet dreams. Belinda x

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Edward Wilkinson donated £50 in memory of George

In Memory of a great guy, banker, soldier and friend who will be much missed by his family and friends.

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Janet Parker donated in memory of George

With fond memories of Bev we would like to donate to PSP.

Janet and family along with Sheila

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  • A dear old friend & Territorial comrade in arms. Condolences to his family. Far too young to be taken. Godfrey Bloom

    Posted by Godfrey on 21/01/2018 Report abuse
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John and Vienneta Hancock donated £50 in memory of George
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Richard Newbould donated £20 in memory of George
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Offline donation: Brian, Janet and Belinda donated in memory of George
Offline donation: Mel and Auril Buxton donated in memory of George
Offline donation: Liz Kelshaw donated in memory of George
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of George
Graham and Julie Whitmore is attending the funeral and the reception
Adrian Blanchard is attending the funeral
Adrian Blanchard wrote

What a great man and his leadership qualities were second to none. Thanks you Sir for your guidence and encouragement brought the years.

Stand down Sir your stag is done.

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  • Sorry iPad took over the spelling.

    Posted by Adrian on 29/12/2017 Report abuse
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