Robert Scott Henderson (19 Nov 1966 - 19 Dec 2017)

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Robert ScottHelp for Heroes

ยฃ256.00 + Gift Aid of ยฃ2.50
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Funeral Director

Gedling Crematorium Catfoot Lane Nottingham NG4 4QH
11th Jan 2018
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In loving memory of Robert Scott Henderson who sadly passed away on 19th December 2017

Wendy & Vesa Lahti posted a picture
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wendy lahti posted a picture
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Stuart Clark posted a picture
This was Scotts first ever troop in 4 rtr and the photo was taken about a week before he arrived at A Sqn in Warminster, this motley crew made him part of the one troop family headed by Sgt Davey Barr.

This was Scotts first ever troop in 4 rtr and the photo was taken about a week before he arrived at A Sqn in Warminster, this motley crew made him part of the one troop family headed by Sgt Davey Barr.

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stuart clark wrote

Scottie just learned that you passed away and truly saddened by this news. Remember your first day as part of one troop A san 4rtr at Harman lines Warminster and your brilliant sense of humour even after being sent to the quartermaster for a long stand and some tartan paint. Will see you again in the green fields and beyond your old mucker Stu Clark

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  • ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’•

    Posted by Ananda on 24/01/2018 Report abuse
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Bob (Polly) Perkins posted a picture
4 Amigos! Stay warm

4 Amigos! Stay warm

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  • ๐Ÿ’–

    Posted by Amanda on 24/01/2018 Report abuse
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Robert McKay wrote

Catherine and I have just returned from Scott's funeral and would like to say a big thanks to Amanda, Lizzie and all friends who helped make it such a perfect day for Scott. All his friends, family, former employer and the men of 4RTR some who travelled very long distances just to be there and say farewell. I consider it an honour and a privilege to have been asked to conduct the service, it was the hardest thing I have ever done but I am so pleased that I did it. Met so many lovely people. Scott we will never forget you. Uncle Bert.

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  • Scott would of been so proud of you Uncle Bert. Thank you both so much. Xx

    Posted by Amanda on 19/01/2018 Report abuse
  • Bert you did us all proud. Thank you so much for your lovely words. xx

    Posted by Elizabeth on 19/01/2018 Report abuse
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Amanda Bonser posted a picture
Nothing could stop you from getting your brandy and coke xxx

Nothing could stop you from getting your brandy and coke xxx

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Donald Peterkin wrote

I served with Scott when he joined 4RTR, he was in the room next to me in the barracks. I was deeply saddened to hear of Scottโ€™s passing. I have fond memories of this gentle, genuinely nice man, with an infectious smile. Rest in peace Scott, you will light up the Green Fields beyond with that smile.

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  • โค

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Dean Owen wrote

Rest Easy Scotty, duty done, see you at the Sqn Smoker in the Green Fields, ( Not for a while yet though lol I hope ).
You was a top gent who went out of your way dropping us off back to St.Helens. Your choice of music was errrrr lets say sometimes tight buddy..

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  • ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜… we all totally agree with you

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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stewart (Seth) Macrae wrote

One of the finest and funniest friend that I have had the pleasure to say I have served with. Farewell Scotty see you in the greenfields dear friend

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  • โค

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Cherelle Mead lit a candle
Cherelle Mead wrote

Fun, friendly and always up for a party. Thank you for the laughs, the stolen cigs and the help with my party playlists! Sleep well Scott x

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  • Oh yes. Remember the day u and Kayleigh came back from town and we had just cleaned her bedroom.๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Šxx

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Offline donation: Collection At Gedling Crematorium donated in memory of Robert
Kayleigh Shaw wrote

It's at this time when people Remember the good times, regret the bad and the things that were never said.

You stepped in and stepped up at a time when I was a difficult teenager and I hope you knew how much I appreciated that. You gave great advice to us all and could always be relied upon to have a good old bitch fest over a kebab on a Friday night.

I have lots of memories to tell but two that stick with me are both at parties (surprise surprise)

I had just come in from a night out at stupid o'clock in the morning and snuck in the house with my friend expecting everyone to be in bed. To my surprise, there was music blaring from the kitchen. Knowing it was you and my mum, I went in there to find; your laptop on the kitchen side blasting out your tunes, the big light off with a disco ball in the corner and you running on the treadmill wearing a bright pink wig, with a brandy and coke in one hand and a fag in the other!!! Something that happened most weekends.
Another funny memory I have is after a Halloween party you both hosted. Everyone had gone home and me and my mum had gone to bed, but you stayed downstairs with you laptop and music. Later in the night I woke to go to the toilet to find you sat on the toilet pants round your ankles, head slumped between your knees asleep. I probably should have woken you up, but thought it was funnier to leave you there :)
You were always the life and soul of any party or gathering and that's why everyone loved your company.

You've shown inspirational strength over the time of your Illness, never complaining and fought right until the very end.
Lydia has all the photos of you both together, and I will make sure she knows what a fighter her grandad was.

You're going to be missed by us all and that is a space that will never be filled.

Sleep tight
Kayleigh xx

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  • โค ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” xxx

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Kieran Marriott wrote

Scott you were the life and soul of every party I loved to see that smile on your face when you was entertaining family and friends with your music. You and i always talked about what good music we liked and didn't like, some times we used to argue about what song to put on next but you knew how to keep the crowd dancing. That's how I remember you AKA Scottie too Hottie for Tottie.

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  • ๐Ÿ’ฟ๐ŸŽง

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Kieran Marriott lit a candle
Anthony Saunders lit a candle
Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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  • What a handsome guy. Xxx

    Posted by Kate on 30/12/2017 Report abuse
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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  • Omg. Scott has got a peanut head.x Lovely photo of all the siblings together.x

    Posted by Amanda on 30/12/2017 Report abuse
  • What a lovely photo of you all. Xxx

    Posted by Kate on 30/12/2017 Report abuse
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Elizabeth Henderson wrote

Scott, I am such a lucky girl to have you as my big brother. From the first time we met at an open day at Bovington camp you have looked after me, played pairs with me (even though dad told you I always won), took me out in your โ€˜Knightrider carโ€™ and got me a cushion to sit on when you realised I couldnโ€™t see over the dashboard.

It was you who explained to me that I was a Goth, introduced me to some really good bands/music and gave me a taste for Jack Daniels.

Iโ€™ll miss your weird sense of humour and sharing memories of our dad. You made him so proud of his โ€˜peedie manโ€™.

You were an inspiration in how you took on your illness and I admire your bravery right to the end.


Love you always

Your Little Sis

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  • ๐Ÿ’–

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Elizabeth Henderson posted a picture
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Billy Kinniburgh is attending the funeral
Billy Kinniburgh wrote

My friend and my crewmate many years ago in Osnabruck, we had some excellent adventures together pal. You were a true gentleman and brought a smile to everyone with your infectious laugh. I'm truly saddened by your passing and hope that your family can stay strong and think only of the good times you shared with them and all of the amazing memories you have left them with as you have so many of your friends through the years. Fear Naught Pal, you'll always be remembered.

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  • ๐Ÿ’œ

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Bert and Catherine McKay wrote

Our beloved nephew has left us with so many happy memories. God bless you Scott.

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  • ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•x

    Posted by Amanda on 13/01/2018 Report abuse
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Jeff McGhee is attending the funeral and the reception