Mary McFadyen (25 Sep 1927 - 10 Nov 2017)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (West Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
30th Nov 2017
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In loving memory of Mary McFadyen who sadly passed away on 10th November 2017

Yvonne Fauris/carter wrote

Mai i prayed for you.iam sure you are alltogether with my Mam .Gran, Grandad.Joe Patsy.and my brothers Ivor and Fergus that we also so fond of you.Thanks for the rabbit pyjmas holder i loved it.RIP.

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Offline donation: Retiring collection donated in memory of Mary
Mollie Grice lit a candle
Geraldine Cleary wrote

Dear Mai,
We were so happy to spend time with you this past June. Celebrating all the birthday's together. We will miss you and thank you for everything. Rest In Peace. Love always, Geraldine, Philip and Matthew. xoxoxo

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Tess Cleary lit a candle
Tess Cleary wrote

To my dear sister Mai,
Only my heart knows the loss and sadness I feel. I was blessed with a kind and wonderful sister. Back in Parnell Street, long ago, you were the big sister to us all. God gave you gifted hands and they never stopped working, knitting, and sewing for us all. You made my First Holy Communion dress and my wedding dress. That was the kind and caring sister you always were. It was fun having you in my life. Each Christmas, mammy gave you the job of mixing the Christmas cake and she would wonder where all the whiskey went. Mai, we never had cross words, only precious memories. I will miss our phone chats. I'm forever grateful and blessed for having you as my sister. I love you and I know you are in the arms of our Lord. May you Rest In Peace. Until we meet again, Tess.

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  • Dear Tess,i heard so many funny stories about life in parnell st.iam sure it wasn't only Mai that drank the whiskey.good memories never sorry for your

    Posted by Yvonne on 2/12/2017 Report abuse
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Deanna Grice lit a candle
Deanna Grice posted a picture
My birthday last year that you did for me ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxxxx

My birthday last year that you did for me ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxxxx

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Deanna Grice wrote

Dearest Mai, life moves on but memories don’t fade, you may of gone away but in my heart you will always be.
I cared for you for nearly 3 years and boy you did make me chuckle with your one liners. One very special lady to me who I will never forget
I will soo miss you. All my love always ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxxxxx
Sleep tight mai

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Penny Clark wrote

So so sorry to hear about Mai. She was a lovely soul and made the best eggy bread! Xxx

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Penny Clark lit a candle
Debi Shelton lit a candle
julie owen lit a candle
Dawn Richards lit a candle
Tracey Wells lit a candle
Selina Whitehead lit a candle
Melanie Hutchins lit a candle
Melanie Hutchins wrote

A lovely lady who will be sadly missed i remember playing on your garden when we was girls rip mary fly with the Angels xxxxx

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  • my thoughts go out to you Beccyx Your mum was a lovely ladyx

    Posted by Julie on 20/11/2017 Report abuse
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Luke Peters wrote

Dear May,

Rest in peace, may your spirit fly high. Your smile is forever in my memory and I will continue to carry your kindness with me, always.

Much love,
Luke xx

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Luke Peters lit a candle
Luke Peters posted a picture
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Rebecca Mcfadyen posted a picture
Mum's little babies....❤❤❤❤

Mum's little babies....❤❤❤❤

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Rebecca Mcfadyen posted a picture
Sisters enjoying a special moment...❤❤❤❤

Sisters enjoying a special moment...❤❤❤❤

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Rebecca Mcfadyen posted a picture
A 90th birthday toast...❤❤❤❤

A 90th birthday toast...❤❤❤❤

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Rebecca Mcfadyen posted a picture
Mum & dad's wedding day...❤❤❤❤

Mum & dad's wedding day...❤❤❤❤

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Rebecca Mcfadyen lit a candle
Ann Clarke wrote

Rest in peace Lovely May. I will always remember your gentle ways and your kindness you always showed me when I had Shanty on your paddock, lovely
memories.. Ann x

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Ann Clarke lit a candle
Erica Prendergast lit a candle
Angela Parsons wrote

Dear May,
What a beautiful person I met, when I met you. Your sense of humor was magnetic. We had a lot of laughs together which I will never forget. Truly one beautiful Irish lady. Rest in peace May, and god be with you xxx you will be missed by so many xxx Angela xxx

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