Shirley Ann Revell (18 Apr 1953 - 12 Oct 2017)

Donate in memory of
ShirleyNottinghamshire Hospice

£332.35 + Gift Aid of £13.75
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Wilfrid's Church Church Drive, Main Road Wilford NG11 7AJ
31st Oct 2017
Open map

Tithe Green Burial Ground Salterford Lane Calverton NG14 6NZ
31st Oct 2017


It is with regret that I announce the passing of Nurse Shirley Revell. She died peacefully on 12th October aged 64, surrounded by her family. You will be missed dearly mum every day until we meet again, love always Lisa, Jack, Aaron and Teddy.

Donna Cuthbert wrote

So sad to hear this news today. Shirley was a fantastic nurse and all round lovely lady. Credit to her profession and will be missed.

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Donna Cuthbert donated £5 in memory of Shirley

I was so saddened to hear of Shirley's passing. I knew her as a nurse and she was lovely. Always friendly and we used to have a giggle no matter what the visit was about. She was a lovely lady and a credit to her vocation and the Forest Practice.

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michael mason wrote

so sad Shirley a wonderful person and mother, I will remember you fondly x

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michael mason lit a candle
Offline donation: Jacgui Ellis donated in memory of Shirley
Offline donation: Jan Gardner donated in memory of Shirley
Carolyn Hookings donated in memory of Shirley
Add a Donation
Offline donation: R C & D E Jones donated in memory of Shirley
Offline donation: Chris & Terry Cox donated in memory of Shirley
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Shirley
Maggie Hutchinson lit a candle
Maggie Hutchinson wrote

RIP beautiful lady

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Maggie Hutchinson donated £20 in memory of Shirley

RIP beautiful lady . Sending lots of love to Lisa Teddy and Jack xxx

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Maggie Hutchinson wrote

RIP beautiful Shirley .xx

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Anne Wilson wrote

So sorry I cannot be there.. Thinking of Shirley's family and many friends.

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Anne Wilson donated £20 in memory of Shirley
Sandra Haywood lit a candle
Rita and Graham Clarke is attending the funeral and the reception
Maureen Mccoy lit a candle
Rita Clarke lit a candle
Maria Webster lit a candle
Karen Dibben donated £10 in memory of Shirley

God bless you Shirley a lovely lady

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Karen Dibben lit a candle
Carol Lynch lit a candle
Carol Lynch is attending the funeral
Linda Barnes lit a candle
Karen Fairbrother is attending the funeral
Karen Fairbrother lit a candle