Brenda I feel I should have something profound and magical to say but I don't. I'm usually great at penning a poem or to recant witty story but just now words escape me. I can't believe you have gone, I still think I'll see you when I pop to mum's and we'd chat like I'd seen you only yesterday. I will miss you more than I have words for. All my childhood memories include you, the laughs and stories we all shared growing up in Ince Blundell sound like something from bygone days when I retell them - I wouldn't change that even if I could!
You were my family but more importantly you were my friend- ties like that don't die Brenda. You may not be here for me to see but you'll always be around. Your name will be mentioned in stories told and the love we had for you will continue as my memories are held in my heart. Going to miss you. Proud to say I knew you, to say you were my friend was an honour, however you were my family and more, I will alway be thankful for that and I know you'll be with me always xx