Dorothy Allen (25 Feb 1932 - 27 Sep 2017)

Donate in memory of

£486.11 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Bramcote Methodist Church 16 Chapel Street Bramcote Nottingham NG9 3HB
13th Oct 2017
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Bramcote Crematorium (Serenity Chapel) Coventry Lane Bramcote NG9 3GJ
13th Oct 2017


In loving memory of Dorothy Allen who sadly passed away on 27th September 2017

Offline donation: Mrs A M Hardy donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Lynda Fleming donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Mrs C Slater donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Mr & Mrs Darnbrough donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Wollat9n flower club donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: J Emmerson donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Mrs F NowellL donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Mrs E tOWNROE donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: No name donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Lician Ann Kerslake- Jamieson donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Paul Walker donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Pauline Glour donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Mr & Mrs Smith donated in memory of Dorothy
Offline donation: Retiring Collecion donated in memory of Dorothy
Anne&Colin Jones wrote

We met Dorothy at the wedding of Hugh and Wendy in Venice .She was excellent company ,A lady with a good sense of fun and enormous pride and love of her family .We were particularly impressed with the fact that she had carried a hat box on her journey from Nottingham to Venice which did in fact contain a cake made specifically for her sons wedding (mothers love )

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Kay White donated £30 in memory of Dorothy
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Kay White wrote

Thank you for the many years of friendship that you give to Neil and Muriel. Our thoughts are with you and your family. From the Churchman family

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Bob Loach wrote

We all leave a legacy, a world that is different even in small ways for our having been in it and we all have a choice as to whether we focus on the past or live in the present.
Dorothy was a truly lovely Lady who put up with me dropping paint on her carpet (more than once) when Hugh and I were making airplane models as young teenagers.
She fed me frequently during the school holidays and showed me how to make a "proper" cheesecake.
She allowed Hugh to host our first American Football party until around 2 am without complaint (and there's no way we were as quiet as we promised to be!)
Hugh came to lodge with me for a while and guess who phoned me up to check that he was eating properly?
She was proud as could be on Hugh & Wendy's wedding day and whilst i hadn't seen her for a while she was as kind to me as always.
These are happy memories and they have to be cherished, but you also have to smile and be happy for tomorrow because of the legacy Dorothy has left
Ron, Hugh, Jeremy, be glad for the life she had. A lovely Wife and Mum

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Ronald Allen wrote

Death is nothing at all.
You have only slipped away into the next room.
You are you and we are we.
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are.
Call you by your old familiar name, speak to you in the easy way which we always used. Put no difference in our tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Pray, smile, think of you, pray for you.
Let your name be the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effect, without trace of sorrow.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is unbroken continuity.
Why should you be out of mind because you are out of sight?
You are waiting for us, for an interval somewhere very near, just around the corner.

Night night, god bless, pleasant dreams.

Love HooWoo xx

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Ronald Allen posted a picture
Holiday at Lake Garda, Italy

Holiday at Lake Garda, Italy

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